Jetra: Got You

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"Come on, let's go shut this Heckmouth." Jesse exclaimed, the structure block glowing in his hands. Petra stood by his side, Miss Butter in her hands. She grinned.

"Come on."

The two leapt down carefully, each step sending excitement and fear into their minds. They finally reached the swirling green, bottomless pit. Near it, was a hole surrounded by some blocks, the exact place for the structure block. 

"Here we go," Jesse said, a bit nervous, and slammed the structure block in place. There was a big BOOM and a flash of light. The impact knocked both of them backwards, and Petra's sword flew out of her hands.

It clanged against the floor, and then into Heckmouth. 

The structure block glowed, and began to cover it up, structures of different kinds of blocks began to form, but very slowly. The sword had landed into Heckmouth and onto one of the structures deeper into it. 

"Miss Butter!" Petra cried, getting up from the floor and running toward it.

"Petra, wait!" Jesse screamed, standing up and quickly running after her, his heart racing in his chest. All he could see was a blur of red and blue as she jumped. Fear gripped him tightly.

He reached the edge, and didn't hesitate to jump when he saw Petra down below, one hand on the structure and the other reaching for her sword. She looked strained, pain creating creases on her face.

Jesse jumped down below, the fall causing a bit of damage, but he ignored it. Instead he ran as quickly as he could. When he finally reached Petra she had finally obtained her grip on the sword.

"Got it-!" She said proudly, the enchanted golden sword in her hands, and then cried out as her hand slipped from the edge and started to fall. Her eyes widened as she stopped falling. 

Jesse had grabbed her wrist with his hand, the other on the ground to prevent them both from falling.

"Jesse-" She gasped.

"Don't worry, I've got you." He said, using his strength to pull her up. Jesse led Petra to the top, and away from the edge where it was safe.

They sat, side by side and out of breath from what had just happened. 

"Petra, what were you thinking?" Jesse finally asked, concern in his eyes. "You scared the freaking crap out of me!"

She was silent for a moment, the sword in her lap, gleaming with enchantment.

"I guess I wasn't." She chuckled weakly, twisting the sword in her hands.

"That was really reckless, Petra. You could've died!" He replied, as a flicker of anger passed through her eyes.

"Isn't that what we do Jesse? Be reckless? Go on adventures? Risk our lives everyday for shit because it's fun?" She snapped, her tone surprising him. "I did that because that's who I am Jesse. I'm reckless, I'm...well, you know that already. I worked hard on that sword, I wasn't going to lose it that easily."

She looked away from his eyes, sighing. He grabbed her hand gently.

"Petra," Jesse said softly. "Your life is more important to me than that sword."

Her eyes widened in surprise.

"If I lost you...I can't. I just can't. And I know how you are, but please, next time, could you think before you go jumping into who knows where, and putting your life in danger? Every time you do that I feel something in my chest, like a knot that won't come undone unless you're safe. Fear that I can't save you, and then..." His words trailed off. 

Petra put his hand into hers, smiling softly, her anger gone.

"Didn't know you cared so much..." She said, right before putting her lips to his.

Jesse closed his eyes and kissed her back, a hand on her cheek. 

They pulled away, blushing.

"Don't worry. You're not gonna lose me. And I'm not gonna lose you."

They smiled at each other, holding each other's hands as Heckmouth finished closing.

"Thank you Jesse."

"For what?"


Petra gave him a quick smirk, and then rolled her eyes playfully.

"Thanks for saving my life doofus." She said as Jesse laughed and put his arm around her.

"Thank you for being mine."

Just watched the trailer for the second episode of MCSM Season 2! So freaking hyped! 

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