Xared (Fred x Xara): Finally

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First of all, if you have a different ship name for Xara and Fred, please comment, cause idk

Second, this scene starts with (cough, episode five spoiler) Xara's death

Third, this is kinda a calm chapter, wanted it to be peaceful for bit. Alright, go on.

She didn't want to see his face when she died, so she shut her eyes tight, preparing herself as the air got cut off from her lungs, blackness taking over her mind.

I'm ready, she thought, her emotions wrapping around her like a blanket, the tears preparing to come but never falling.

It all happened so fast, and she hated it. He did it like nothing had happened between them. Like all those years of laughter, happiness, pain, and suffering were just an illusion, a dream had and done. Like all of this was nothing.

She hated how she died. She hated the circumstances. She hated the cause. But nothing could be done about it now. Jesse and her friends would make sure her death wouldn't be in vain.

One painful throb, and then another. Xara could feel herself sinking, like falling in a bottomless hole, unable to get out. But maybe that was were she wanted to be.

A flash of light, one more throb, the blur of colors becoming her way out. And then she was gone.

From this reality to another.


"Waffles? Waffles, are you here?"

A faint voice echoed into her ears, and her eyes opened slowly as to process her surroundings.

White. That was all she could see, except for a little figure out of the corner of her eye. Two of them actually, one moving and one completely still.

She stood up from the spot she occupied on the ground, trying to stay steady as her mind fuzzed, keeping her balance. As she stood up, strands of hair fell down in front of her face, and she realized it wasn't pushed back and the messy ponytail had been let down. Her hair fell down to her shoulders and she could see the dark purple against her-blue outfit? She looked down at herself and realized she was wearing sky blue pants and a ocean blue long sleeved shirt.

It shocked her a bit, but she suddenly remembered that it was better than that prison outfit. She would never wear orange again.

Once she had calmed down, Xara spotted the two figures once again, and began to walk closer. Her footsteps sounded clear across the ground like quartz as her breaths turned heavy and short. The pace of her heart rose steadily as she got close enough to identify the figures.

One was a birch tree, still, leaves poised perfectly in different angles as the roots dug itself into the ground. The other was a male, running around the tree, scratching his head once in a while and muttering under his breath. Well, loud enough for her to hear.

"Waffles? I heard someone come here...where are you? Come on, it's me, Fred!" Her heart skipped a beat, as she forced herself to remain still. He looked around the tree some more, convinced that his chicken would be there.

"You know," she exclaimed, loudly. "It's good that he isn't here. That just means he isn't dead."

Fred turned to the sound of the voice, and immediately froze. Their eyes locked for a moment, filled with tears, smiles tugging at the ends of their lips.

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