Axelivia(Ft. Lukesse) : Jealous?

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"Jesse, your intern."

Lukas, Petra, Axel, Olivia, and Jesse were at the end of the Order's treasure room, discussing old times and Lukas' novel. They turned to see a young man with glasses, black hair, and a green outfit.

Axel had a funny feeling about Radar right when he saw him, and later on the feeling grew into something a bit worse.

"Woah. Um, I had no idea the whole Order would be here. Lukas, sir. Axel, sir. Olivia, ma'am. Petra, ma'am. Uh, Jesse." Radar rubbed the back of his head nervously.

Jesse laughed, her green eyes sparkling as the others smiled.

"Oh come on Radar, cut it out with the formalities. We're all friends here." She gestured to the Order, who nodded.

Olivia turned to whisper to Jesse, her hair down instead of pigtails. Axel thought she looked even more cute than she was before.

"Your intern is so adorable!" She giggled, as Axel felt a twinge of jealousy. He folded his arms across his chest, brow furrowed and eyes narrowed. Jesse grinned.

"For those of you who don't know, this is Radar, my intern." She put her hand out as his cheeks turned pink from embarrassment.

"New huh? Looks pretty nervous." Petra smirked, fidgeting with her sword.

"It's just-it's not everyday you get to meet all of your idols." He replied, his hands behind his back. "Anyway, I've got some stuff about Founding Day I've got to talk to you about Jesse."

She sighed, playfully annoyed, getting up from where she was sitting and walking towards him.

"Fine, but let's make it quick, shall we? I don't want to miss hanging out with my friends." Jesse turned to look at them. "I'll be right back."

The two left the room, leaving the four of them stuck with the many treasures that they'd earned.

"Jesse's intern is so freaking cute!" Olivia exclaimed, her hands on her hips. Lukas grinned and Petra laughed.

"I guess," said the redhead, fidgeting with a diamond. "He's alright."

"Are you gonna call every guy you see cute?" Axel asked, the words out of his mouth before he could stop them. Petra smirked and Olivia turned to him, surprised.

"Ooh~ someone's jealous." The redhead teased, as Lukas chuckled.

"Very," The blonde added. "You can see it on his cheeks."

Olivia rolled her eyes playfully and walked up to him. Then she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Axel, I'm your girlfriend. Of course I think you're cute too."

Axel blushed, his cheeks red and heart warm.

"Thanks Liv."

"Uh-huh. But seriously, loosen up a little."

"Yeah, don't worry Axel. Radar has a thing for Jesse." Petra replied.

"What!?" Lukas exclaimed, and then coughed as the others gave him suspicious looks. "I mean, what?"

Petra raised an eyebrow.

"You guys doing alright?" A voice asked and the others turned. Jesse was walking into the room with Radar by her side. She flashed a bright smile. "Good."

Lukas gave suspicious glares at Radar, but turned and smiled at Jesse.

"You up for some practice fighting?" She asked, shrugging. "We can take Radar with us-"

"No." Axel said, as Lukas slapped his hand over his mouth.

"What he means to say, is yes, but..." Lukas replied nervously.

Jesse smirked.

"What? You guys...jealous?"

At the exact same time all three guys blushed, Axel the hardest. All the girls shared a smirk, and then laughed.

"Come on guys, let's go." Petra exclaimed, grinning as she took her sword and gestured for everyone to head towards the exit.

"Yeah let's go guys." Olivia replied.

"You're coming with us, Radar." Jesse said, still smirking as she grabbed his arm and winked flirtatiously.

The girls walked out giggling, as Radar protested that he should stay.

Lukas and Axel stood, flabbergasted and cheeks red as tomatoes.

"Okay, I have to admit, I'm-" Axel started.

"Jealous?" Lukas finished.


"Don't worry bud. I am too."


I can't play it until after I get back from vacation so NO SPOILERS PLS

Also I know this isn't one of my best, but I just finished it because it was an unfinished one I worked on a while ago.

Gonna be posting some more for my other stories, so cya for now!

(Edit: I forgot to say this, but thanks for over 50 votes!! 😁)

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