Bred(Fred x Binta): Before

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If you mix their names to get the ship name you get Bred! Aka, Fred's favorite food. Lolll

Also if you don't know who Binta is go to season two episode four-but you honestly should

Sorry I lowkey ship them okay, if you don't ship it don't read it (you know, the usual)

(Also; includes FEELS)

The water rippled and reflected off a milky glow, looking like a mirror for someone to stare at and get lost in. Trees and other plants were placed on the land surrounding the lake, everything a different shade of blue.

The land was quiet, except for light footsteps and small echoes of laughter, along with some ruffles through the bushes.

Two people-and a chicken-came and rustled their way out of the bushes, laughing and smiling. One of them was a girl, with dark hair and skin, a gold headband, dirtied white shirt and blue pants, along with shining lapis blue eyes. She held a basket in her hands, laughing at something the male next to her had said.

He on the other hand, was a bit bigger than the average human, with different shades of blue and some green covering his body.

"I know your favorite color is blue Fred, I was asking; what kind?" The girl exclaimed, chuckling as she took a blanket out of the basket and opened it, putting it on the floor evenly. Fred chuckled with her, helping her spread the blanket before grabbing the chicken lightly and sitting down.

"Well, my favorite?" He put his hand on his chin, pretending to think. Then he turned to look at her. "Lapis. Lapis blue."

Binta blinked, and then smiled, sitting down next to him on the blanket. She grabbed the basket and took out some food; a few loaves of bread, apples, and mushroom stew. She then handed him the bread and stew, and began munching on the apples.

The chicken, Waffles, clucked and ran around in circles, feathers flying everywhere. Binta laughed as he jumped on her, the half-eaten apple falling out of her hand. Fred dropped his bread and reached for the chicken.

"Waffles! Bad chicken!" He scolded, trying to grab him but missing, instead half falling on Binta.

She shrieked in surprise and Waffles jumped off, sitting down next to him, his little face saying 'mission completed.' If he could blush, Fred would've, but instead he immediately looked away and got off her, chuckling nervously.

"Sorry about that, Waffles can be-" he looked at the chicken with a scolding look. "-a bit difficult."

Binta laughed and dusted herself off.

"It's fine, all in good fun, isn't it?" Her eyes sparkled with mischief. "I really enjoy these small little picnics, you know. They take our minds away from all the problems in the world-"

Fred suddenly glowed a bright light. The green-ish looking lines on his body started to shine in continuous beeps. He sighed, grumbling a bit.

Binta tried not to frown.

"You have to go, don't you?" She asked, a bit disappointed. More and more Fred was being called back to see his friends, fellow Admins, Romeo and Xara.

"I'm sorry Binta." He murmured, looking down at the ground. Then he stood up, and helped her do the same. She let out a small breath.

"Go see your friends, Fred. They'll be waiting." Was all she said, before going to clean up the picnic supplies. Fred was about to reply when she beat him to it. "I'll see you later, okay?"

He hesitated, and then grabbed her wrist to turn her around and then hugged her. It was so quick and sudden that she didn't have time to react. And then he was gone in a blink, some blue sparks to indicate that he was there and now wasn't.

Binta stayed still for a moment, and then packed up the blanket, picked up Waffles, and headed back home.


It became more often and frequent. Fred was barely around anymore.Binta could barely even get a minute with him before he was called back, when he was there anyway.

But she had hope. She was determined. Their friendship couldn't be destroyed.

Fate proved her wrong.

She was playing with Waffles by the lake, feeding him seeds she had gathered from planting. The water rippled as the chicken splashed around in it. She smiled sadly, adjusting the gold headband that was falling slightly down her head.

Suddenly, there was a bright flash, and she shut her eyes tightly. Waffles clucked loudly in surprise.

Fred was on his feet, looking around rapidly until he spotted her.

"Binta-" he exclaimed urgently, helping her stand once again.

"Fred, you're back!" she replied, immediately wrapping him in a hug.


"Where were you?"


"I thought you'd never come back."

He grabbed her hands and clutched them tightly, leaning his forehead against hers. She stopped talking, hearing their heavy breaths.

"I can't stay." Fred exclaimed, much to Binta's surprise.

"What? Why-?"

"Romeo. Xara." He choked, tears running down his cheeks and onto the ground, some staining her shirt. "Something's happened. I need to stop it. I need to-I can't let you get dragged into this more than I already have."

Binta felt something get stuck in her throat, her heart was racing and her mind swirled with questions.

"Fred-" she started, but he stopped her. He took out of his inventory, a compass. Then he placed it in her hand and made her fist wrap around it.

"I-it leads-home, Binta. It's where I'll be-if I don't come back-"

"Woah woah woah woah-Fred, what are you talking about?" She asked, voice shaky. "What in the world are you talking about?"

It was then he really began to cry, burying his head in her neck even though he was taller. Binta hugged him back reassuringly, trying to keep her breathing steady.

"I don't know what's going on, but I'm here for you, okay? Just please-" she said, her voice becoming a whisper. "-don't leave."

Fred pulled away and then every so gently, placed his lips on hers. The kiss was short, but it was light as rain and felt like fireworks. A tear rolled down her cheek.

"That's what I love about you Binta." He whispered in her ear. "Take care of Waffles for me. Take care of everyone."

"Fred-please-" she begged, holding onto his arm. "I don't even know what's going on-"

"I've got friends to see. Friendships to fix." He replied quietly. "And people to save."

His body flickered, and before she could do anything, he disappeared. The same glowing sparks hung in the air like picture frames. Shock still paralyzed her mind, tears still falling down her face.

Her hand grasped at the cold metal, picking it up and holding it to her chest. The compass moved slowly, deciding which way to go.

In many ways, her heart was too.

Aww frick my heart

It's a love-hate relationship. I love writing oneshots with feels but they make me so dang sad.

Ughhh what the heck happened to the Christmas specials-also there was that other ending for that Jetra oneshot-and then part two for Sonar-

*screams in frustration*

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