Lukesse: Shattered Pieces

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Some random person: Hey Petrafied, you have a job?

Me: Actually, I do.

Random person: Oh really? What is it?

Me: I'm a conductor, on a train.

Random person: That's cool, what-

Me: The feels train.

Random person: ...

Sooo yeah, for some random reason I've been motivated to write really sad oneshots and/or scenes. Be prepared...the feels train is coming! And I'm the conductor!

Choo choo!

(Don't say I didn't warn you)

"I'll distract him, you go!" Lukas shouted, taking out his bow and arrows and preparing to run. But before he could go Jesse grabbed his arm.

"Lukas, wait-" she said nervously, looking into his sparkling blue eyes. "This is dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt-"

Her eyes widened as he brushed a strand of hair out of her face and placed his lips on hers. It was so sudden and quick that she didn't have time to react before he pulled away. Her cheeks burned red.

They stared at each other's eyes into a quick moment. Green and blue mixed into a turquoise.

"Jesse, everything we do is dangerous." He said gently, hand on her cheek. "This won't be any different from the adventures we already had. I'll be fine, I promise."

And then he was off, quick as lightning, a yellow and gray blur into the night. She stood for a second, trying to take in everything that just happened, her heart thumping hard.

A giant BOOM snapped her out of her daze and she shook her head rapidly.

"Dammit-" she cursed under her breath and pulled out her sword. Then she ran into danger, his blue eyes still in mind and the feeling of his lips on hers lingering.


Jesse struggled with her grip, trying not to fall as the Admin swayed with her on his gigantic body. Her sword gleamed in her hand and sweat beaded down her forehead. The pattern on the back of his head stood out like glowstone, taunting her.

"Jesse, I know you're there." The Admin chuckled, reaching behind his head to grab her. She shrieked and rolled to the side just as his hand collided with his head. The raven-haired girl gasped and tried to regain her grip.

"Hey, Admin!" A voice shouted over the chaos. The Admin stopped trying to get to Jesse and turned to the source. "If you want Jesse, you're going to have to get through me first!"

Lukas shouted on top of a roof, knocking an arrow onto his bow and slitting his eyes to lock on his target. The Admin smirked (if prismarine colossus' could smirk) and knelt down to his level.

"Gladly." He replied slyly and reached for Lukas, who was not expecting that answer. He fired an arrow, which bounced uselessly off the stone and fell to the floor.

Jesse screamed as the Admin destroyed the building under him, causing smoke and debris to fly everywhere. The building crumbled, and Lukas was no where to be seen.

"NO!" She cried out, tears already pouring from her eyes. Something snapped inside her, like someone stepping on a toothpick. Jesse grabbed the sword and pushed it into the Admin's head.

And that's when everything went black.


"Jesse-wake up." A voice said, shaking.

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