Ch1: Hail Blood

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Lorcan Kyran POV

I stood in the large office of mine as I hold a nice cold glass of whiskey. I swirl it around as I look out toward the dark outside world. I still can see that bastard with his sadistic smile curling onto his lips as he looked at my mother. I squeeze the glass and then heard a pop.

I slowly open my hands as little pieces of glass fall from my grasp and hit the ground with small sounds of twinkling.

I brush my hands together and fix my tie as I smooth down the tux. I then hear the sound of a small knock at my office door.

"Enter." I spoke in my deep demanding voice.

"Lord Lorcan. You asked for me?" Spoke my trusty second in leadership.

"Ah, yes. Raymond, my dear friend, we are about to have a little trouble with the mangy mutts that we so call neighbors on this land in a few minutes so be prepared.

"Yes, Lord Lorcan." Bowed Raymond. As he turns and leaves my office.  I turn towards the window again and I smile at the darkness.

I then think back to that faithful day.

As I stood in the center of the surrounding bodies of the fallen wolves. I smile at the power I showed. I look to see the one pure white wolf that lies on the ground with an emotionless face and smile.

"The Alpha." I spoke as I grabbed the wolf by its scruff and dragged it with me. From what I could smell off the dreadful creature was that he was the alpha of the Stone pack.

I smile as I start to drag the lifeless beast to my new territory. But as I walked i pause as I heard whimpering and so I stop and listen.

I drop the lifeless mutt on the ground as I slowly stalk towards the whimpers. I heard them strongly coming from behind the tree and sharply looked around it. Nothing.

I looked around then a sniffle was sound, and I looked up in the tree to see a young boy with ripped up clothes and cuts that were healing but where cut deeply into his skin.

"Hi, I am Lorcan. Who are you?" I question the boy.

"Raymond, sir." Spoke the scared child.

"And what species are you?" I asked him.

"Um... What do you mean sir?" Asked the boy still shy.

"Well, I mean are you human, vampire or a wolf.  Judging by where you are you aren't human and from how your eyes and features and actions are you aren't wolf either. So are you a vampire?" I asked the child he looked much more relaxed when I looked up at him.

"Yes, sir I am." He spoke.

"Okay, well come down here. I want to talk to you." I spoke as I gestured him down from the height of twelve feet where the young boy sat. He nods and hops down from the tree and looks at me. I rest my hands on his shoulders and look into his eyes.

"Have you fed yet?" I asked.

He looked at me worried and then slowly looked down as he shook his head while not making contact.

I know and look around. I would let him drink my blood but only what belongs to me must be joined by my blood and I do not own this boy. 

I only own his loyalty now.

I smell and hear rustling is the grass as I see a small cotton tail rabbit and my eyes turn a dark red almost black.

"Sir?" Asked a concerned Raymond. I turn to him and smile then I take off with inhuman speed and grab the rabbit by its scruff and held it in my hands and I speed run back to my spot and slow down. I smile at the boy and hold the live rabbit in my hands.

"When your prey has adrenaline running through their veins the blood is sweeter. So, bite right there, between the neck and the shoulder.

"Sir, I can't." Spoke Raymond.

"What?" I asked with a smirk.

"I can't drink." He said and mouthed the word "blood" and I chuckle while shaking my head at the young lad.

"Fine, if you won't kill it now then you can starve, and I will find a way to have you rest in permanent peace." I growl out at the boy as I scratched a long but shallow scratched on the bunny and let it down as it ran away. I fed already on the wolves so I can withstand the rabbit's blood, but I smirk at the hungry look on Raymond's face as he watched the poor rabbit race off.

"Why?" He spoke through gritted teeth. The word was so tight and strangled it was funny.

"Because you need to feed." I spoke to him, and I saw that his eyes have gone completely black, and he took off towards the bunny.  I smile at my work and turn to face the boy as I see him drinking as much as that little fur ball was holding.

Once he sucked the living life out of the little rabbit, he set the rabbit on the ground, and I saw a tear on his cheek.

"What happened?" I asked him as I walked next to him.

"Nothing. I just now have realized that we are monsters that need to feed to stay alive." He spoke watching the bunny.

"Yes, but we don't kill for pleasure.  Too kill for pleasure is what those monsters do." I say in a deep voice as I point to the alpha on the ground. 

"But we kill the innocent." He said looking at me.

"Some things must sacrifice for others." I told him as I stood up and left to walk towards the wolf.

I did tell him what that little bunny was thinking in his mind.  The little thing was on its way to die and at least we put the poor thing down with slow ease.

I grab the wolf by its fun and drag it to the territory it belongs to then I heard steps jog up beside me as I watch Raymond walking along side me.

We head straight for the pack house.

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