Ch18: Execute Plan Kidnap 2-3

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I walk with a stranger that is a vampire in a clan that everyone hates me.

Nothing bad.


"So, what is your name, mr?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"Coal. Coal Fair." He said as he looked at me.

"Well, Mr. Fair, its nice to finally meet a new face." I said to him.

"You can call me Coal, if you want. And you are with Lord lorcan, right? You don't get out much?" He asked me and I shake my head.

"Um... No I don't." I said and he looks at me with worry.

"Well, I know you just came here, so what about your old life. Firends? Family?" He asked.

"Nope. I really didn't like my old life." I said to him.

"Oh, my. You... Where you a slave?" He asked me stopping.

"Yes, how did you know?" I asked, now having a small voice.

"Unbelievably enough I also use to be a slave. Most of the other vampires in Lord Lorcan's clan are slaves, run a ways, or just wondering vampires. He saved us and gave us a place to live." Spoke Coal.

"Really. Wow, that makes sense why he took me in." I said thinking of when he was being kind to me when we first met.

"That explains so much now." Coal said as he smiles.

"Wait, how did you become a slave?" He asked, his smile faltered.

"Since I was born." I said with a small forced smile.

"Oh, you poor thing. Was it you mother or..." He had sympathy in his face.

"My father sold me to an alpha who collected vampires and human slaves." I said as I looked at him and saw his face grow cold.

"Was it Alpha Grey." He said in a low tone.

"Yes." I said as I look at him. Then my eyes widen.

"Are you the vampire that escaped. I heard stories that you got away but was shot in the chest and was never heard again." I said as I stare at him.

"I was shot in the back and I hit my shoulder. But I ran as far as I could until I made it to the vampire that I heard the wolves feared and fell upon his land. I collapsed on the land and a group of wolves stood before it as they glared at me. I heard fast movements and then the wolves had fear in thier eyes as they looked behind me to the one I hoped would save me." He said and I smile.

"I'm glad your aren't dead. You inspired all of us to keep going and try to escape. Like me after being sold again I finally escaped and made it to Lorcan's land also." I said to him and he smiles.

"I have to admit, you are the first human here though." Said coal as he looked at me.

"I don't know coal I was really tired and scared and Lorcan had a sweet voice. So I must be to naive for my own good." I said.

"No, your aren't naive, your just trusting, that's all." He said and I started to tear up.

"Sorry, I don't know why I'm crying." I said as a large pool of tears started to stain my cheeks.

"Its okay. I understand. After you think off all you have been through..." He was saying until he went quiet and listened.

I couldn't stop crying and he looked at me.

"You need to be quiet." He said holding an arm out to me until I looked behind him to see a large log in the air.

"Coal!" I shout but it was too late. The log came down quick and hit him in the back of his head and he dropped.

"Coal!" I shouted again until a sharp pain was struck to the back of my head and I dropped to the ground as my world went black.

Lorcan POV

I tap my fingers to the table as I look at the clock in the office. Two more minutes.

"Okay, that concludes the meeting. Has
Be a good night fellas." Spoke Ryan as he smiles the same smile he had in the beginning of this meeting and I saw him look at me with a knowing smile.

I was confused.

I get up and rush out of the house and to my territory.

My clan.

My Eva.

I stop at my clan borders until I pause as my blood runs cold.


I turn towards the smell and run.

I look on the ground and see Coal. He was face first in the ground with the back of his head bleeding. Then I look to the spot in front of him and my heart stops. The spot smells like... Eva.

Oh, people have a death wish.

I take a large breath through the nose and smell vampire blood but a small hint of wolf.

Not, any random pack either. I smelled the fuckin Luna of the Red sun pack. I growl and roar at the sky. Three clan members rushed outside and I pointed to Coal.

"Get his treated and in doors. Be on guard I have something's to settle with the Alpha and Luna of the Red Sun pack." I growl out as I see red and rush off in the direction I just came from.


I open my eyes to darkness. My head hurts like hell and I can smell something familiar. Blood.

I look around but its pointless.

"Hello, love bug." Spoke a dreadful voice.

"A... A... Alp.. Alpha.. Ry... Ryan." I stutter out as the lights where turned on and a spot light was put on my spot.

I look down to see I am tied to a wooden chair with my wrists in bonds.

I struggle with too many fears and memories flooding my head.

"Oh, little one, do you know Jessie. My gorgeous mate. She has a few things to tell you." Spoke Ryan and I see the women who hates me most step out with a sadistic smile.

"No.. No! Please! Don't!" I yell and shout in panic.

"Shut up bitch!" Yells Jessie as she slaps me.

"This is going to be so much fun." She growls out as she circles me.

"For you, or me?" Asked a heavenly voice in a deep growl.

We all look towards the stairs to see a fuming Lorcan stood there.

He growls out as he stalks towards the two wolves as Ryan moves infront of Jessie.

"You two, screwed up big time!"

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