Ch12: Meeting Caspian

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Lorcan POV
After finally grasping the attention from the prying eyes that traveled to what is mine and I was loosing my patience.

"So what is this meeting about? It must be worrisome with all the main leaders of the vampire court." I say as I look around at all the grim faces. I turn to Jasper Ron the east wood clan leader.

"Do you think that she should be here?" He spoke with venom. I grit my teeth together.

"Jasper. Do you think any of you are in the right situation of questioning my decisions?" I ask snapping my attention to the man with a small white beard as he looks from my cold stare to Eva who has her head down and away from prying eyes.

"If you don't like her then leave!" I growl out and he nods. He stays in his spot and I growl under my breath.

"Now someone answer my question." I spoke still standing.

"Well, we have heard that there is some problems with the wolves on this land and the wolf king has contacted us with the answer of war. Do you know anything about it?" Asked a man that sat always away from me with sunglasses as he leans forward on the table.

"No, Drake, I didn't know about any war between our kind and the mutts. But for me to say I haven't been having problems with them is a different answer." I tell him as I look up at all of the faces.

"This human girl is the reason for my problems." I said and all thier eyes moved to her as I sensed the uneasiness radiating off of her.

"What is so important about her?" Asked Tyler Young, the leader of Red fire clan, as he looked over Eva in a study kind of way.

"I don't know but she looks mouthwatering." Spoke Caspian Newblood. Ironic right, Caspian has been my best firend in the court of Vampires for years now.

Once I heard him say that though all those years of friendly get together and I have him caught in a cold glare.

"Caspian, my firend, never say that about her..." And before I could continue my good firend smiles his devilish grin and looks at the women next to me.

"Or what, will you just keep her to your self. What is so great about her Lorcan. She is a mere human and she has you wrapped around her little pinky. There must be something that she is good for." He said while looking up like he is in thought and then smiles as he looks at my cold stare.

"Is it perhaps the fact that she is a rush for you. A good player in the bed maybe." After those words leak through his mouth I am pinning him to the wall. He still has a stupid smile on his face and I growl at him.

"Never and I repeat never, say that about her. Clear!" I growl out feeling my beast beginning to surface.

"Eva, I apologize." I said as calmly as possible which wasn't saying much.

I drop Caspian and walk back to the chair. I sat in my spot and try to get my tense muscles to relax but it doesn't work. Then I felt soft small hands rub my lower back and I relax completely.

"Lord Lorcan?" Asked a man at the table.

"Yes?" I growl out.

"What would you like to do about the situation?" He asked.

"We should begin by a peace treaty. Because those mutts came to my land and demanded that I gave her back even though she ended up on my land with out invention but so did the alpha of the red sun pack. He stepped one foot on my land and I put him in his place." I spoke as I glanced at Eva.

"So what will this treaty say?" Asked another man.

"The vampire court and I have developed a peace treaty to all packs under the wolf kings rule. We have decided that our land stays our land unless challenged and fail such challenge. If something is stolen from either clan or pack you will be responding to such leader and if such leader refuses then there will be a war against each of those two clans, packs, or both." I conclude my statement and I saw people scribbling my words down.

"Do we object at all?" I asked and lots of head shaking was across the table.

"Okay, meeting concluded." I said standing up and waited for everyone to head out. I noticed Caspian didn't leave yet.

"Caspian what are you still doing here? The meeting is over." I said to him. He shrugs and stalked his way closer.

"I just wanted to see the little human. So when are you going to change her?" He asked.

"Want?" I question.

"Oh, come on Lorcan. We both know you need to change her unless she is you pet... Oh my god... She is." He spoke with disbelief in his voice. He steps past me and is in front of her as he examines my mark upon her neck.

"Awe is she really that good? Maybe I will have a test run myself." And once he said that I saw fear in her eyes and those exact words are what have my body doing things that I feel like I should do.

I grab his neck and throw him to the opposite wall.

"Stay away from what is mine!" I growl out and Eva is pressing deeper into the chair.

"You know, she can be both of ours." Smirks Caspian.

"Caspian, you just don't know when to quit!" I growl at him as I step forward to get him until a hand lays upon my shoulder.

"Lorcan, I'm scared." Spoke her soft voice and I growl at Caspian. I turn towards her and lean down to pick her up in my arms and I rush off to my room.

Once in there I set her down so her back is to the door and I shut it. I breath in and out with rushed breathing and I felt her hand caress my cheek.

"Calm down." She said and I chuckle.

"Do you think that is so easy when I know there are men out there who want what they can't have?" I asked her as I bring my face in the crook of her neck.

"Well, it seems that I am more trouble than not." She said to me as she puts her face in the crook of my neck.

I grin into her neck and say against her tender skin.

"Oh, sweetness. I knew you where going to be trouble."

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