Ch15:The Plan

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Ryan POV

I smile as I look around my office at the thinking faces.

"Any idea on how the kidnapping is going to go?" I ask.

"Well what if we sneak..." Spoke Ron and I wave it off.

"Won't work. They have guard 24/7 on full alert." I spoke.

"Okay, what about an ambush?" Declared Jessie.

"Huh, what kind of ambush?" I ask.

I stare at my beautiful and smart mate. She is perfect but then my eyes travel to the others in the room and see they have annoyed looks and I roll my eyes at them.

"Is there a problem with her plan?" I asked as I looked at my beta, delta, and gamma.

"No, sir." Spoke both my gamma and delta and I stare at Ron.

"Beta?" I question.

"Not at all sir." He said through clenched teeth and  I smile.

"Good." I said and sat down.

"Jessie, continue please." I said to her.

"Okay, well what if we faked someone being injured. And we are on our side of the territory. And once she is on our territory we take her." She said and I nod.

"Only one problem." I said looking up at her.

"That pest never let's her out of his sight." He states.

"Ah, but Alpha. That pest is asking to meet with you here to give a peace treaty with you and all the other alphas, tomarrow." Spoke Ron and I smile.

"Okay, here is the plan. Ron and I will stay here to have the meeting.  Jessie, you and the delta and gamma go to the edge of the forest. Wait for her to come out and try to not make it obvious that you get caught by the others. Then when the vampire leaves my house rush back here with her and we will have what is rightfully ours." I growl out and smile.

"Let's get going then." Spoke Ron as he stood up and went to the inventions for the other alphas and I smile as they all leave.

"I will get what is rightfully mine." I growl out as I look out the window towards the land that the little bitch ran too.

Lorcan POV

I look at Eva as we lay on my bed in silence with the light on.

"Why do you do that so much?" She asked as she smiles at me.

"Do what, sweetness." I asked smiling a charming smile at her.

"Watch me?" She said and I just smile as I lean closer to her.

"I just like to observe you." I said.

"Oh, is that all you like to do?" She said with a smile. I smile also and lean in closer until I pause at hearing a blood chilling howl.

I leap off the bed and head towards the door. The pitch black darkness that is filling the sky outside made it hard to see the dark brown wolf that ran to the edge of my territory.

"Lorcan? What's wrong?" Questions Eva. I turn to her and smile.

"Its nothing just something that requires my attention." I told her and lean in to kiss her lips slow and soft.

"I promise I will be back." I told her as I lean away.

I throw on a T-shirt and shut and locked the door. I fear leaving her alone but I did mark her as mine and any smart male will take granted to that.

I walk down the hall and am met with a few of my clan members. We rush out my front door and surround the wolf.

"What brings you, beta?" I asked the dark brown wolf.

"How did you know I was the beta?" He asked me and I smile.

"You smell of a filthy pack member and your sent is much stronger but not as strong as an Alpha but still is strong." I told him.

"Ah, well I have come to invite you, lord Lorcan,  to the Red Sun pack for a meeting of all alphas from the surrounding pack for a peace treaty." He said and I smile.

"Okay, when?" I asked.

"Tomarrow at nine sharp." He said and I nod.

"Oh, and you must come alone. It will help show the other alphas you are truthful." Spoke the beta then he turns away and runs off.

I nod at the information and turn up to my window where I see Eva watching me. I turn to walk into the house as I think about what to do.

"My lord what would you like to do?" Asked a clan member.

"I'm not sure what I need to do. Give me a few hours to think." I spoke and she nods. I head up the stairs to my room. Once there I unlock the door and right as I open the door I am embraced in a hug.

"Eva?" I question.

"Sorry... Its just... I think I'm being clingy." She said as she rests her forehead on my shoulder.

"Well, being clingy is a good thing. That means you are loyal to me, and that is really good, sweetness." I purr as I reach my head down to her neck.

"Yo, keep it PG guys!" Spoke an annoyingly annoying voice.

"Caspian!" I growl while wrapping my arms around her waist in a possessive way.

"What are you even doing here?" I growl at him while I see him just shrug and smile.

"Well, I was here to ask if I could stay for awhile. But I can see I came at a bad time. Or maybe..." He said as he looks Eva up and down and I growl.

"Get lost, Caspian." I growl at him.

"But, you need someone to watch over her when you go to that meeting right." He said with a smile.

"Is that what that beta was telling you about? " She asked me from behind me.

"How did you find that out?" I asked Caspian as I glare at him.

"Um... Duh, I was eavesdropping of course  and over heard that you have a meeting to attend to tomarrow." He said while leaning against the door frame.

"Some firend you are." He mumbles and I look at him with a glare.

"What are you saying?" I asked him becoming annoyed.

"Your are keeping her to yourself, and that is totally not fair." He said while pouting.

"Okay, that is it." I mumble out as I shove him and slam the door shut.

"Okay, I will still be here when you make up your mind." Shouts Caspian from outside of my door.

"He really is a handful." Said Eva from behind me as I rest my palms against the door.

"Heh, tell me about it." I tell her as I turn around towards her.

"Okay, we have things to discuss."

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