Ch4: Mine and Only Mine

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Lorcan POV

I lean away from her and I see a very confused face upon her beautiful one.

"Sir, what do you mean?" She asked me and I just smile. I like her asking questions, it means she is smart and likes to learn.

"Two things, one, don't call me sir when its just us okay, and two, what I mean is your silence kills me and anyone who wants to silence you will die by my hand." I say to her and she nods.

"Sweetness, what did I just say in number two?" I ask with a knowing smile. She swallows and I see her thinking then she spoke.

"Um... That silence kills?" She said.

"Bingo, now please don't be afraid of me or anyone else, okay. Also please talk to me, its nice to hear your voice." I said watching her.

"I apologize for saying this, but Sir, I have to call you something." She said and I smile a little from the power behind her eyes and the determination.

"Lorcan. You and only you can call me that. Am I clear?" I asked.

"Yes... Lorcan." She said my name so slow it was torture and a sly smile inched its way onto my lips.

"Good girl." I said with a smile.

"Lorcan..." She said and paused once she saw me close my eyes and smile.  She doesn't know that I am controlling myself from making her mine right this second.

"Um... Why are you acting like this?" She asked me slowly.

"Well, nothing gets past you now does it?" I ask her.

"Please don't stray from the question." She said bluntly. I smile at her and nod.

"I have no true reason why you are here, love. I saw you were in trouble and I felt connected to you somehow.  That and it angered the hell out of me that those mangy mutts were hurting what is mine." I growl out, but not in an intimidating way, more like a demanding way.

"Yours?" She asked me as I heard a rise in her voice.

"Uhuh." I hum at her as I raise my eyebrows at her as in to challenge my thought.

"Now, since you asked me a question, and you seem comfortable around me, I am going to ask you a few things." I say with a kind smile as I move away from her and lean against my desk. If I were to stay close to her any longer I would have bit her to show the rest of my clan not to mess with her. Also she would be linked with me and would only want me.

Now that I think about it, that doesn't sound so bad on my account.

But then I look back at her and I think of the question that I am dreading.

"What did the Alpha do to you?" I asked looking into her eyes and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Um... Lorcan. I don't think you want to know." She said with tears making her eyes even more of a breathtaking green and it makes my blood boil.

"Eva, what did he do?" I growl out lowly.

She sighs and stood up, as she heads to my window and looks out it into the deep dark forest.

"He... Um... He bought me from my father." She swallowed but I saw in her reflection that her face was blank. No trace of sadness, fear, anger, embarrassment was evident in her face.

"My father had a business that he worked with wolves and sold girls to the highest bidder. Well I was sold to an alpha that also was collecting human girls to sell to other packs for leverage." She said still staring out the window.

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