Ch2: Dainty Little Beauty

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Lorcan POV

I stand there after my nice little flashback of meeting my best firend and taking over this small territory, I look out into the dark forest. I then take a small sip of my drink and as mush as alcohol doesn't affect me, its a bummer to say the least.

I pour more and continue to look out the window.

Then I smile at the sounds I hear.

Branches snapping and breaking.

Pounding of paws.

The chilling sound of howls fill the night air.

I look out at the forest lime to see the birds fly away in the sky.

The great blessing of having night vision is one of my favorite things on my vampire list. But the con's do out number the pros sadly.

Anyways, I look out to the forest as I see a small figure running out of the forest line looking tattered and scared.

Something inside me, probably my inner beast, tells me to go to them. I watch as thier raven black hair flows in the wind as she drops to the ground. After seeing her look behind her and I can smell how much fear she is giving off I rush out just in time.

My clan has semicircle the girl and stood thier ground against the mangy wolf pack.

Once I am down thier I step forward in my crisp black attire and slowly walk forward into the group.

"Ah, what do we have here? A stand off? A hunt?" I asked while sarcastically holding my pointer finger to my chin in the act of thought.

"Nothing of your concern pest!" Growls out a female wolf from besides the large pitch black wolf in front of the pack.

"Ah." I chuckle with a smirk as I look at the group infront of my clan.

"Well, if you look and see where we are. This situation has everything to do with me and my clan." I say with a mocking smile.

"This land never belonged to you and your filthy clan in the first place!" Growls Ryan Black, alpha of the Black sun pack, as he stepped forward onto my land. My mocking smile vanishes and I rush at him with inhuman speed and grab his throat in my grasp. I pick him up then slam him down into the ground as I bare my teeth at his defiance against me.

His pack steps forward and they are on the edge of my territory and theirs.

I bare my teeth at the wolves as I squeeze the alphas throat and I growl with dominance.

"If you pathetic excuses of hunters, carry even an ounce of respect or dignity for your leader you will back down!" I growl at the pack as saw the omegas in the back bow to my domination over thier pack. Next was the regular pack members and children then the warriors and this his gamma, delta, and beta.

I glare at the female who spoke up against me and I growl at her. She must be the pathetic mate.

"Bow!" I growl as I squeeze the beasts throat and I saw her become in pain from the bearable pain I am giving her mate.

"Jessie, take the pack back home." He whispered out from the lack of oxygen. She looked at him then at me.

"Now!" Growled his alpha tone and the pack stepped back. The Luna turned around and nods her head towards the direction they came and they all took off.

I relax a bit and then I turn to the pinned alpha.

"And you. I want to ask a few questions about her." I growl as I point to the still cowering girl. It hurt me to see her like that and it also angered me when my own clan members where looking and thinking inappropriate things about her.

"Everyone! House! Now!" I growl out and they all went from lustful stares to obedient bows and went inside. I glance at the girl and noticed she has not even spared me a glance at all.

"I am going to let you up and you get to shift, but I want you to come peacefully so we can talk. Am I understood?" I spoke in a light but demanding whisper and I saw him glare at me.

"Understood." Growled out the pathetic alpha. I let him up and he stood while watching me. I roll my eyes and turn towards the women on the ground as she averts her eyes from me.

"Miss? Can I help you up?" I asked in a light voice. I used my snake charm that most male vampires possess to put our prey in a trance. I watch as she never looks up at me and I sigh.

"Hey, sweetness. Look at me." I said with a smile.

"Sir, may I?" She asked and I turn to the bastard of a mutt and he smiled at me with his nudity on display.

"Yes, Eva." He said and a shiver ran down my spine at the mention of her name.

"Eva? Please shield your eyes." I spoke as kindly as I could with me on the verge of another murder as I stared at the man with no sense of respect for a women.

"Oh, please. She has seen me already. Isn't that right love bug!" Spoke loudly the mutt.

I turn back to the Eva and anger boils in me because now her face has tears and I saw her not looking at me.

"Excuse me?" I growl out while looking over my shoulder.

"Yeah, she has seen me and I rocked her world." Smirked the asshole but within that sentence I rush over to him and command one of my clan members to bring out clothes for him.

I grab his throat with one hand as I pinned him to the ground. I heard a gasp and it sent chills to the back of my head.

"Lord Lorcan." Spoke a member of my clan as a women bows and leaves a shirt and sweat pants. I shoved him to the ground and I glare at him.

"Get dress! Now!" I growl at him.

"My lord?" Spoke her beautiful voice.

I turn sharply towards her and saw her finally look at me.

A small smile appears on my face at her gorgeous face.

"Can I help you up?" I asked. She looked at me then my hand that is extended out to her and then she glanced behind me.

I close mg eyes and growled.

"Why the hell does she keep looking at you!" I shout up into the air as I turn around and glared at the asshole smirking at the Eva.

"You better answer all my questions!" I growl out.

"Come on let's go inside." I said quietly as I grab onto her elbow lightly as I slowly drag her with me and the mutt follows.

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