Ch32: Stay Away

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Cerberus POV

"What?" I spoke a little to loud in his presence.

"I want you to stay away from her." Spoke Master Kyran.

"Um... Master, can you explain to me what a mate is?" I asked him and he clenches his jaw while standing up.

"A mate is what a werewolf calls its true love. You feel a spark when you touch eachother, you become bonded by a pull and wanting to be by one another. Males and strong females become possessive and protective of thier mate. Are you understanding?" He said as he stood to look at me.

"Yes, sire, but how can me and Thea be mates?" I asked letting her name slip past my tongue.

"What did you say?" He growls at me and I felt caught.

"What did you say?" He commands and I bow my head and whisper, "I said Thea, sire."

"You are only to call her by formal names. Only!" He growls and I nod.

"Yes, master." And he scoffs and walks to his desk.

"Stay away from her. Am I understood?" He asked having his back to me.

"Yes, sire." I answer and he nods.

"You are dismissed, get out." He commands and I don't waste time getting up and heading out the door.

I clench my jaw and fist as I felt the need to shift.

I walk into the kitchen and was met by Miss Harper. She looked at me and smiled until she saw my tense body and once her eyes met mine she started to become frantic.

"Hurry, outside." She said and I follow command. I follow her out side and she turns around.

"Okay, undress and shift." She said and had her back to me and covered her eyes. We where outside in the cool air and the fresh grass. I threw my shirt off and unbuckled my belt to slip my pants down I then shift no my massive black wolf with scars littering my back.

"I'm finished." I told her and my anger surfaced again.

She turned around then pointed deep into the forest.

"Run, off the stress and anger." She said and I smiled at her.

"Thanks." And I turned towards the forest and took off. My large paws pounding into the ground. My fur loose and free. I didn't feel bound to chains of living among vampire I ft wild and free. Then my mind traveled.

Thea. When I shifted the only thing that flooded my mind was her, and even now she still lurks in my mind like a reminder.

I breathe in and out as I smile and push farther and faster. Then I smelled something.

I slow down and feel the urge to growl.

"Wow, a wolf?" Spoke voices as I saw more wolves appear.

"On Lorcan's land, how?" They kept asking questions and I saw them walking infront of me and pacing.

"Greetings Alpha." Spoke a large wolf, smaller than me but still quite large.

"Greeting?" I say in a questioning tone.

"What pack do you command?" Spoke the wolf and I look at them confused.

"Pack?" I asked and the large wolf looked at me also confused.

"Yes, Alpha. A pack you are in command of." Spoke the wolf looking at me and I still am confused.

What is a pack?

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