Ch5: You Are Beautiful

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Lorcan POV

I left Eva in my office and head down stairs. Once I made it to the banister I fix my tie even though I didn't need too and looked down the stairs to only be met but the bitch of the century.

I smile a sarcastic smile as I nod my head. Really! Why is she here?  And she must be the reason for me and Eva being disturbed.

I look at Miss Charlotte Van Coal. She had a disgusted look upon her face as five of her clan where keeping her company.

"Ah, miss Charlotte. What brings me the pleasure of having you in my presence?" I asked as I step closer to her.

"Ah, Lorcan dear, I have come by to discuss matters of a little problem that I would like your assistance in the matter." She said and I nod.

"Okay,  would you care to talk now or later?" I asked.

"We shall talk over dinner." She said as she smiles at me and heads towards my dinning room. I nod and think of Eva for a moment.

"Great, I will be back momentarily. There is just something I need to get." I said as I turn and head back up stairs.

I walk down the same hall I just left and heard shuffling coming from inside my office. My eyes widen once I noticed that I left a human unsupervised in my office.  I through my door open and saw a guard about to bite Eva's neck. He stops and the look I gave him probably told him everything.

Eva was unconscious, another perk of being a vampire we can hypnotize people and make them fall unconscious.  I grab the vampires neck and threw him out of my office.  I shut the door and rushed to Eva.

I pick her up bridal style and sit on my love seat. I set her in my lap and started to check her for any bite marks.

I check her neck.

No marks.

I check her arms.

No marks.

I check anywhere that skin was visible.

No marks.

I sigh as I held her in my lap.  She was laying on my chest and she started to stir in her unconscious slumber. I smile at her and I brushed her hair from her neck. I have stayed under control from the terrible urge to drink from her beautiful neck but I control myself.

I lean down and kiss her chin and then her cheek.  I brush my lips over hers and smile once I hear her whine.

"Eva, wake up." I whisper against her lips.

Her eyes flutter open and I smile down at her.

"Well, hello." I said the the beauty in my arms. She opened her mouth, but no words came out. She then had a confused look on her face.

"Dinner is ready if you would like to join me. You don't have to if you don't want to." I asked her as my thumb that is connected to my hand that is secured on her hip starts to rub circles on her hip.

"Not if I'm the delicacy for the night." She said looking at me.

I smile and lean in closer so our noses touch.

"I would never share you with anyone else." I growl at her with a smile.

"So... Um... Dinner right. Let's... Let's... Eat." She stuttered out and I smile at the sudden change of subject.

"Oh, and I have company over also. So don't worry." I said as she gets off my lap.

"Worried? Why would I be worry? Its not like I am the only human in a house full of vampires. No that would be ridiculous." She said crossing her arms over her chest. 

I smile at her and take the moment to study her.

She is not the perfect woman. She is child like in the chest and bottom area and she is a bit chubby in her stomach area. But I think what hurts me the most is that I know from the way when we first met she was beaten and abused mentally and physically.

"Your beautiful." I say completely out of the blue. She pauses and looks at me. Her face shows anger.

"Don't say that word." She said to me lowly.

"Why?" I asked now curious.

"Because, you are lying to me." She spoke to me with a glare.

"You are smart." I say and she clenches her jaw.

"We need to go now." She said while turning away.

"No, they can wait." I say. She is still heading towards the door and I strode over to it. As she opens it I press my hand into it so it shuts again. She sighs and has her back against my chest.

"You are strong." I said to her.

"Stop." She said, but I don't listen.

"You are unique." I told her.

"Lorcan, stop lying!" She snaps at me as she turns around and stares at me. 

"You are all of those things and more." I told her.

"Shut up! Just, please stop." She shouts and then I slowly start to see the power in her fly away as she leans against my chest.  I cage her in so I am like a safety net for her.

"Your are also hurt." I continue. She stays quiet.

"You are also damaged." I felt her suck in a breath and felt my shirt become soaked.

"You are also lonely." I said as stare at the door.

"You are also silent." I spoke as her little hands tighten around my shirt.

"Your are also in trouble." I said as I bring my hand to her cheek and skim my thumb over her cheek.

"You are also brave." I spoke as I gaze into her glassy eyes.

"You are cute." I say while smiling.

"You are mean." I say as we both chuckle.

"You are perfect." I said and she looked up at me with empty eyes.

"Don't." She said clenching her teeth.

"You." I say as I lean in and kiss her forehead.

"Are." I move to her nose.

"Perfect." I say as I hover over her lips.

"Kiss me, then." She whispered. She had doubt in her eyes.

"Kiss me if I'm so perfect." And right when the last word left her lips I claimed them myself. I kiss her lightly and smile into another. I bite her bottom lip and nibble a little for my little teasing game. I then pull back and release it. I ope n my eyes and smile at her shocked expression.

I lean in again and whisper on her lips.


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