Ch6: Teasing

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Lorcan POV

We stood there.

Her back to the door and me protecting my little flower.

"Lorcan, you are unbelievable." She said to me and I smile at her.

"Hey, so are you." I said with as smile.

"Whatever. So can we go down and eat?" She asked and I look up and think for a moment then I shake my head.

"No, I think I am still hungry for my Eva cake." I growl seductively as I lean in. She rolled her eyes and as I target her lips she lean in and towards me ear.

"Don't push it, kitten." She said and I chuckle as I pull back.

"Kitten?" I asked. I raise my eye brow at her.

"Yes, you call me names so I call you this, besides Lorcan,  you are always touching my face or something like that and you act like a kitten." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"Oh, I can do worse." I say to her and she just rolls her eyes.

"Come on let's go down stairs." She said as I see her blush.

"Okay, let's change the subject."I say stating the obvious.

She looks at me with a dull expression and I smile.

"Fine." I say as I step back enough for her to open the door and we walk out.

We walk to the top of the stairs then i pause for a moment.

"Shit." Whisper under my breath.

Eva looks at me from behind me and I look her up and down.

"Lorcan?" She asked and watches me.

"Do you want different clothes. Because if you don't want to be seen in that I will  get you new clothing." I told her. She looked down at her torn up clothes and sighs.

"Yeah, it is probably wise." She said.

"Okay, follow me." I say as I turn and we walk down a hall to large black doors. I turn towards her and smile as I open them up.

She looks around inside as she steps in. I shut the door and head to my closet in my room. Yep, I brought her to my room. She is the very first women to be in here.

"Where are we?" She asked me. I am looking through my clothes for something suitable for her to wear.

"Um... Well, this is my room." I say like I shouldn't be ashamed that I brought her here. I found Greg sweat pants and tossed it on my nicely made bed.

I turn around to look at her as she is paying me no attention what so ever. She is looking around my room and the noticed the door to my master bathroom the another door. She turns to me and then points to the door with her thumb.

"What is this room?" She asked. I walk over to her and open the door to reveal another room,  a little bit smaller than mine, and said, "This is where you will be sleeping." I said hoping she is not as smart as she looks.

"Okay, but why is it connected to yours?" She asked and I look at her with a small hint of panic.

"Um... Yes, well. I can explain that to you another time, but for now you need to get dress." I told her shutting the door to her room.

"You know, you sound like a mother." She said crossing her arms.

"Really. Well I must be a hot mother." I said glancing at her with a grin.  She never spared a giggle. I frown and go back to searching for a shirt for her.

"Huh, nothing. The only thing that would go with those sweat pant and cover you is the undershirt I am wearing. Well, no biggy." I said as I reach for my jacket buttons. Eva was wondering around the room not paying attention to me and I chuckle. 

Oh she is going to freak once she notices I'm undressing partly.

I take the jacket off and nicely put it next to the sweats. I then take off my tie and put it on the bed as well then I start to unbutton my black dress shirt and once I am done and i t hangs loosely on my shoulders Eva turns towards me.

Her eyes wide, lips parted, in mid step. I chuckle at her and take my dress shirt off.

"Um... What... Are you... Um... God." She said as I continue to take my under shirt off. My muscles ripple as I grab behind my neck and tug the shirt up and over my head.

"Um... Lorcan... What... Abs." She said as I turn towards her with my six pack on full display. I held my undershirt in my hand as I look at her. I smile as she is pretty much eye raping me.

"Take a picture it lasts longer. Actually better yet, don't bother, cause I'm immortal, baby. These are forever." I say smiling while pointing to my stomach. I laugh as she is still looking at my muscles and it makes me wonder.

"What? Am I better looking then Mr. alpha." I say to her. All she does is nod and in my surprise I didn't expect that.

I step towards her and she looks up at me. I smile and lean close to her ear.

"You should close your pretty little mouth." I spoke in her ear. She shuddered and I smile.

"And besides,  when we are alone, I can totally walk around like this for you." I say as I turn to pick up the pants from the bed.

I heard shuffling behind me and I smile.

"Hey, I was just kidding no need to..." I was cut off immediately once I turn around and saw what she was doing.  She had turned her back towards me and was taking her shirt off. My throat went dry as I watched her.

"You shouldn't say things that can be played on both sides." She said.

All she wore now was her pants and a black laced bra.  I purr at the sight and I step towards her. My eyes are probably pitch black and it is taking it all in me not to pin her to the door right now.

"Don't try me, kitten." She said with power as she turned to me. She looked up at my eyes and she is not making it any easier with her looking at me with the cannon of her breasts on display.

I clench my jaw and my fingers begin to twitch.

"You have great self control, Mr. Big, bad, vampire." She said with a smile as she steps forward and takes the shirt from my grasp.

I am slowly losing it.

"Sugar,  you better not test me." I growl playfully at her.

"Oh, and why is that." She asked.

"Because, love, I am trying to take things slow so I don't scare you but you are making it very hard to comprehend." I say to her.

"Okay, fine. But next time you try and tease me with your body I will do the same." She warns and I can't anymore. I put my hands on her waist and pin her to the door.

"And we both know that I have the power here. I can show off my body to you and it won't ruin anything, but it when you do it to me. I am trying to play nice and you are cheating and cheating comes with consequences." I told her and she nod.

"Fine, I will put the shirt on." She said and I grab both her wrists and take the shirt from her. I toss it behind me on the bed and I shake my head no.

"No, sugar. I teased you and you teased me. Now I get to try what you are selling." I growl at her as I see caution in her eyes as I smile and lean in to kiss her neck.

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