Ch40: Abomination And Danger

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Squeak POV

"I'm pregnant." I heard Thea say and I bite my tongue as I started to eavesdrop. Rage asked me after I woke up and told the girls to get going upstairs, to listen in on thier conversation and I am happy I listened.

Then I heard Cerberus speak.

"With twins." He said and they hug. I step away from the door.

I need to tell the guys. I rush out of the house and and into the training yard where I saw both Glad and Rage pounding into each other. I was breathing hard as I made it there. Glad wrapped his arm around Rages torso and flipped him over his back and slammed him into the ground. One Rage was on the ground Glad looked at me and had a smile on his face.

"Hey, squeak. What's up?" He asked while getting a towel for his sweat. I had a nice little remark to comment back.

"The sky is up, but I actually had important news for the both of you." I said and I saw Glad smile at my joke and drinks some water.

"What is it?" Rage asked as he got up from the ground and I look at them both as Rage came into our little group and I saw other guys come in. Smile at hem all and start to speak.

"So I was just passing by the Alphas office when I saw him and our Luna AkA the vamp. I saw them talking and then I heard some terrible new for the pack." I pause for dramatic effect.

"What?" Said Glad in irritation.

"He said she was pregnant with twins." Said and smiled at my great work of eavesdropping. Okay, I did make up a few parts but that only adds to the drama.

"Wait, your saying that that monster... I mean our Luna is pregnant? Then that means that they aren't full wolf." Said Rage and he had anger in his eyes.

"Okay, calm down." Spoke Glad as he had conflicting emotions in his eyes.

"I trust Cerberus, and he most likely has thought this out. There is no threat." He said as he looks around.

"Easy for you to say. Your his beta. How do we even know if you are helping him calm the wolves down with the info?" I growl out and he glares at me.

"How the hell would I? I didn't even know until you said something." He growled out to me. Then we heard a door shut and I turn my head towards the sound just like everyone else.

"Hey, guys. What's going on here?" Asked Cerberus.

Most of the wolves turned and walked away without a word but I saw Glad step over to him and opened his big, fat mouth.

"We have gathered new Intel of the drama because of someone." He said and I turn to walk away.

That was my cue to walk away, until I past by Glad and he grabbed the back of my shirt and yanked me back.

"He told us that you are fathering your mates twins." Glad said and I look down.

Today is the day I die.

"Yes, I have twins on the way." Spoke Cerberus and I look up as he kept eye contact with Glad and Glad just nods.

"Okay, then." He said.

"Okay!" Suddenly shouts Rage and I snap my head up.

"You say okay, to him. He is have twins with a vampire. For all we know that could be dangerous for us, for the pack, even for Cerberus!" Shouts Rage and Cerberus glares at him.

"Rage! Enough!" He growls and Rage shakes his head.

"No, its not!" He shouts and turns towards the forest. By this time I have been released and I watched as he shifted to his large brown wolf and darted deep into the forest.

"I'm going after him." I said and I was stopped by Glad as I looked up into his eyes. I have always been like a little brother to all three of them for the years we have known one another.

"No, you can't." Said Glad and I stare at him.

"He is a brother to me. You all are, and when a brother needs help you help them." I say and brush his hand off my shoulder as I take off after Rage. I leap into the air and shift. As I hit the floor I race off into the forest.

I search and listen, but no sign of Rage. I start to turn back until I heard a voice.

"So will you join?" Asked a voice from a large black wolf as I creep into a bush and watch them.

"Yes, it is best for the pack and the safety of our kind." Spoke Rage and I saw the wolf nod.

I then decided to walk out.

They both snapped thier heads at me and I stare at them both.

"Squeak! What are you doing here?" Snapped Rage and I come to stand between them.

"What is going on here?" I asked and I saw Rage shake his head.

"You need to go. Now!" Growled Rage then the black wolf spoke.

"Hold on, he may want to join?" Said the wolf and I watched him.

"Who are you?" I asked and the wolf laughed.

"I'm, the true alpha of this pack. I'm Alpha Don Grey and I have a proposal for you." He said and I nod. 

"Okay, I'm curious." I said and sat down.

"I want to help my pack. I Know that the new alpha has a vampire as a mate and if they have any heirs it could be dangerous to both our kind and others. So I am bringing together a group of wolves to over throw Cerberus and take the title of alpha and rid this pack of any Vampire pest." He said and I chuckle.

"Well, you should know. The struggle for keeping him from having an heir is already over." I say.

"What do you mean?" Asked Don.

"Cerberus is having twins." Said Rage and what scared me was the smile at spread across Don's face once he was told.

Cerberus POV

I felt anger rise in my chest as I turned away from the training field and went up stairs to mine and Thea's room. There she sat on the bed reading a book.

"To kill a mockingbird bird?" I asked and she shrugs.

"Seemed interesting enough." She said as she closed the book and I came over to her.

"What's wrong she asked and I opened my mouth but then a knock on our door came.

I smiled at her and turned towards the door where I saw Squeak holding an envelope in his hands. He hands it to me with no words and I take it. He then walks away and I watch as he disappears around the corner. I shut my door as I turn towards Thea and show her the envelope.

"Open it." She said to me and I look at her then the envelope.

"Okay." I say as I tear it open.

I pull out a piece of paper that was folded up. I set the envelope down and then unfolded the paper. My eyes widen at what it said.

Dear Cerberus and Thea

I know where you bother are right now and I just want bother of you to know. I will always be watching you.

Lorcan Kyran


The end

The next book called "The Hellhound's Mate" will be published soon.

So thanks for reading and don't forget to share the story with others

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