Ch11: Your Place In The Clan

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I stir in my sleep. I refuse to open my eyes, fearing to be locked up again. I peek my eyes open and saw darkness.

Then I felt the warm presence of someone behind me. I felt my neck start to tingle as I felt the warm hands of someone.

"Who?" I ask as I roll over and come face to face with piercing blue eyes. My breath hitches in my throat as I watch the god like man lying next to me.

"Morning sweetness." Spoke his calming voice.

"Lorcan?" I breath out as I stare into his glowing eyes.

"Yes?" He quizzes and I stare at him. I then look around the dark room.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"You don't remember?" He asked as I heard his body shift on the fabric of the bed we both were lying on. 

"Um... Oh that's right." I said bringing my hand to my forehead.

"All of that really happened? Wait that means? Ouch!" I hiss as I reached up to touch the spot he marked me as his.

"Here." He spoke softly as I felt his hand appear on my cheek. I sigh as the pulsing pain in my neck faded.

"Ah, much better. Thanks." I told him with a smile that he probably can't even see.

"You are so beautiful, you know." He said and I giggle at the comment.

"Yeah, not nearly as good as you." I whisper and turn away.

"What?" I heard him ask and I could hear the smile.

"Um... Hey what time is it?" I asked looking through the curtains while squinting.

"No, no. Don't change the subject. What did you say?" I heard him say.

"What did I say?" I asked. Maybe if I play the dumb card I can get out of this.

"Oh, do you want me to pry it out?" I heard him growl out and his saying that made me shiver. His voice in general makes the butterflies dance in my stomach.

"N... N... No.. No not really." I stuttered out.

He is alot more intimidating when its dark.

"Okay, then answer." He growls out while wrapping his arms around my hips.

"Okay, fine." I huff out in my frustration.

"I simply said that you are better looking than myself." I said confidently, but I was then pressed against the wall and my heart accelerated and my breathing stopped.

He leans in really close so I felt his lips hover over my own.

"Now that, my sweet, was a lie." He whispers against my lips and I felt the urge to kiss his beautiful face.

"Ah, the bond is already working." He spoke to me and I felt his chest rumble with laughter. I bring my hand up and touch his bare chest and I heard him chuckle and pur at the contact.

"Sweetness, you are so addicting." He growls out and I smile.

"Well, the feeling is mutual." I said and I finally took charge. I lean in and kiss his lips. I kiss him slowly and I felt him smile into another one. I bring my hands up into his soft pitch black hair and I bury my fingers in its lush beauty.

"Eva?" He purrs out. I pull back enough so our lips touch.

"Yes?" I question.

"We need to stop." He spoke and I smile.

"Just." I say as I kiss his jaw slowly once.

"One." I kiss him on the cheek.

"More." I kiss his lips slow and teasing and I heard him purr.

"Okay, that is it." He growls out and slams his lips into mine taking complete control of the kiss. I smile as we kiss again and he moves to my cheek and as he moves farther from my lips he slows down and then his kiss becomes feathery soft as it hits my mark and I gasp.

Even though it was so soft I still felt it like he kisses it with full force.

I sigh at the kiss and he came back up my throat and as he was about to kiss my lips there was a knock at the door.

He pauses and we both sigh in unison.

"Good stopping point?" He asked me and I smile at him. The room is still completely dark and I felt him grab my hand and lead me to the door. He opened it and I squint at the bright light.

"How is it so bright out here and your room is so dark?" I question. All he did was chuckle at my question.

"The power of black curtains, sugar." He grinned as he wrapped his arm around my waist making my heart rocket for mars.

"Ah, lord Lorcan." Spoke a man of the age around twenty smiled at Lorcan.

"Sire, we need you for a meeting." He spoke kindly to Lorcan.

"Okay, I will be there in a moment." He spoke then the man bows.

"Yes, sire." Spoke the man and he glared at me and I felt chills down my spine.

"Let's go, sweetness." He said as he starts to walk and pulls me with him.

"Lorcan are you sure I can go?" I asked unsure.

"Um... I'm positive, and I would love to see someone stop me." He said looking at me like I grew another arm.

"Okay." I said as we head down the stairs and I lean closer to Lorcan as we enter a large room with a lot of vampires watching me.

"Greetings, my Lord." Spoke all the vampires in unison.

"Greetings!" Spoke loudly Lorcan and he lead me down a hall as everyone continues to watch me.

We reach a large door with a silver handle and he looks down at me as in to look at me to make sure I am read and he opens it. Once the door opened there was at least nineteen other Vampires in the room. There was a large chair in the far back completely empty with a smaller chair next to it. 

Lorcan smiles at all the faces as in a casual way.

"Greetings, how is everyone?" He said as he pushes me to continue on walking.

"We are great Lord Lorcan. How are you?" Spoke a man that has yet looked away from me.  We got to the back and that was when I noticed all the stares are directed at me.  Lorcan's smile went away and he leans Close to my ear and whispers into it.

"Eva, please sit." He says and I follow the order even though I don't understand why he had to ask like that. I sit and saw him slam his hands on the table grasping everyone's attention in the room.

He spoke in a deadly serious face as he was clenching his jaw as he then looked up at the others in the room and growled out.

"Can we get on with this meeting."

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