Ch8: She Is Not On The Menu

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Lorcan POV

We finally descend the stairs and I never even kissed her once the whole way down.

Im proud of myself control.

We walk down the hall and we stood on the outside of the dinning hall.

"Now, listen. If you feel uncomfortable at any time or want to go to sleep or anything just let me know. Am I understood?" I said to her.

"Understood." She said with a nod.

"Good." I said with a smile and lean in to kiss her cheek. But then I start to pepper kisses to her lips.

"Lorcan, remember." Spoke my angel softly as I felt her smile once I kissed her lips again.

"Fine." I growl against the lips. I kiss her slowly and she pressed her hand to my chest. I chuckle at the action, bit that was when she pushed me away and I frown.

"Oh, stop pouting. You look like a cute toddler." She said with a smile and I raise an eyebrow at her.

She then just realized what she had said.

"You think I'm cute?" I asked with a knowing smile.

"I said you are like a pouting toddler." She said with an innocent smile.

"Yeah, sure. We will continue after this dinner." I growl as I lean next to her ear. She nods and I smile. I wrap my arm around her waist and press the doors open.

"Finally." Spoke Charlotte as she slapped her hand on the table, but then I saw her freeze and that was my que to pull Eva in close for her protection.

"Ah, so you brought a delicacy for dinner? She is excited, or maybe scared? Either way is fine with me." Spoke Charlotte as she smiled and pushed her chair out as she stood and began to walk towards us.

"She! Is not on the menu. Tonight." I growl being a little over protective.

"Really, then what is she for then? You must care for her, but you can't be with her in that way, am I wrong?" Spoke Charlotte as she began to walk back to the table.

"No, you are not wrong." I said as I look at Eva and she looked confused.

"Okay, well let's sit and eat." She said while clasping her hands together.

"Come on." I whisper to Eva as I press my hand deeper into her back to make her move. She has been watching Charlotte with a watchful eye and I am starting to worry.

I pull out a chair for Eva and she sits while thanking me. I sit in my normal spot at the head of the table.

"Bring put the food!" I snap and command.

"Yes, my lord." Spoke and bows one of my clan members.  I saw that Charlotte's clan members are no where to be seen.

"So Charlotte, what would you like to discuss?" I asked as I enter twine my fingers.

"Ah, yes. So I am having a ball in three weeks and I would love for you to join." She said as a clan member pours some bloody Marry's  in our wine glasses.

"Would you like some dear?" Question on of my members.

"No, she will have a glass of sparkling cyder." I command and he bows to me and rushed off.

"Thanks." She whispered to me and I smile and nod at her.

"Oh, this is adorable." Spoke Charlotte.

"What?" I growl out. I watch her smug smile and she rests her chin on her combined hands.

"This, little scandal. Do you really think its going to continue!" Growls out Charlotte.

"Do not use that tone with me!" I growl back.

"Oh, screw you!" She said waving me off.

"I slam my fist into the table and then I felt a soft hand on mine. I look down to see the wood beneath my fist is crunched and I saw the hand of Eva.  I breath i n and out as I smell the fear off of her, but not all of it was from her. I turn to Charlotte and saw her staring. I sigh and sat down. 

Eva went back to her place and that was when I stood up and walked over to Eva's chair. I watched her pick up her glass of cyder and I grab the sides of her chair and drag her closer to my chair. She sets her glass down and looks up at me.

All I'm doing now is have a grave face as I look at Charlotte.

"Now, you will leave Eva, out of all of this and only answer me. Am I clear!" I growl out.

"Crystal." Squeaks out Charlotte. I nod and rest my hand on top of Eva's.

"My, lord. The food is ready." Spoke a member.

"Bring it out." I spoke to him and he nods while we all sit in silence as I stare at Charlotte who is refusing to look at me and Eva who sits next to me as my hand rubs circles around her palm.

"Miss, Charlotte, have I told you that I hate silence!" I growl.

"Yes, my lord. You have, I apologize." She spoke soft and cautious.

"So, what is so important that you needed to speak with me?" I question.

"Well, my scouts and other scouts from neighboring clans have informed me that your clan is being targeted." She said and I raise an eye brow.

"By who?" I quiz keeping a stone face.

"The head of the werewolves. They have heard from thier own, and have been told that you are killing thier kind for fun." She spoke and I stare for a bit.

"Okay, anything else?" I asked.

"That's it? You are going to just brush it off. Your clan is in danger." Growls out Charlotte. I nod.

"I know and I have a plan." I spoke as she relaxes a bit.

"What is it?" She asked and I smile.

"The blood moon is come in three days time. Once the blood moon is here we must go out and feed. So I am going to challenge the Wolf king and hit the wolves at the heart of thier pride, but of coarse I'm going to take control of the land around me first and then I have some revenge to dish out." I spoke as I brought the wine glass to my lips.

"That is your plan?" She asked and I nod.

"What are you thinking?" She spoke loudly and I smile at her.

"You are going to end up dead if you go through with this plan." She spoke to me.

"Your father won't be happy with this either." She spoke looking down at her food. My breath hitched in my throat. I stop drinking and put the glass down.  I squeeze my fists and you can hear the cracking of my knuckles. I glare at Charlotte.

"Um... Miss Charlotte? What is happening? "Asked a nervous Eva. I look at her and she shrinks back. I then turn my vision to the women across the table.

"Um... E--v---eva, please touch him." asked Charlotte. Then I felt a very small touch. I look down and see a still fearful Eva. I growl at her fear but she just pulled back and I use my super speed and grab her waist. I pin her to the wall and stay there and breath her sent. Her heart is beating so fast.

"What are you afraid of?"I growl out as I look around for danger.

"Y---y---yo--you." She spoke softly and I look at her.

I then growl and turn towards Charlotte.

"This is your fault!" I growl and I rush towards her.

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