Ch9: Talking

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Lorcan POV

"My Lord... Your beast... Is.... Out." Her strangled breaths are out and I pause. I drop her and turn towards the glass and I see my eyes are pitch black and I have black veins running down my neck and I growl again.

"This has been caused by you!" I grab her throat again and I slam her to the wall. He claws grab a hold of my wrists and start to claw at them. Then I feel someone wrap thier arms around my waist and I freeze. I drop Charlotte and stand still as thier fingers rub circles around my sides as I shiver.

"Leave now please, I will try to calm him." I heard her beautiful voice speak.

I purr and saw Charlotte use inhuman speed and left as she was joined by her clan. I purr as I stand there.

"My lord?" Asked a clan member and before I could growl at them I was cut off.

"Please, can you leave. He is unstable." Spoke softly Eva and I purr louder at her voice.

"Of coarse miss Eva." Spoke the boy that was asking for me.

I growl at him.

"Please, leave." Spoke Eva and I heard distance footsteps.

I spun around in her arms and smile at her but saw nothing in her eyes.

"You are so strong and beautiful." I said as I brush my fingers over her cheek.

"Please, calm down." She said to me and I nod.

"Okay, but we have to be alone for a while." I say with a small smile.

"Okay." She smiled a force smile and I bend down and pick her up bridal style and rush off to my room and lay her on the bed. I rush to shut the door and and I turn towards her and saw she was standing up. I raise an eye brow at her.

"Lorcan, I want the real you, please." She said not looking up at me.

"Sweetness, it is me though." I said to her.

"No, I have been told that vampires loose control when something they care about is in danger. So calm down please." She said and I saw some tears fall to her cheeks and I nod.

I step towards her and wrap my hands around her waist very slowly. I look at her as in to ask if it is okay, and she smiles at me.

I lean my face into the crook of her neck and I breath in and out as I take in her sent. I felt my tense muscles loosen and I feel her arms loop around my shoulders and I hug her as she does the same.

"I'm sorry." I spoke against her neck.

"I know you are. If you weren't you wouldn't be here now would you?" She said and I hug her more while snuggling closer to her.

"We do need to talk though." She said and I nod.

"But can we talk like this. Please." I asked her,  actually it was more like a plead.

"No, because my feet hurt." She said and I bend over and pick her up and cradle her in my arms.  I hold her close and I heard her giggle and she snuggles into me.

"This is nice." I said and I purr as she reaches her hand up and touches my cheek. I smile at her and I brought my forehead to hers.

"So, when Charlotte said we can't be together like as in what." She asked me.

"She meant that I can't fall for you. But its to late for that." I told her while chuckling.

"Why?" She asked and I smile.

"Why what? Why can't we be together? Or why do I love you?" I spoke to her.

"Both now." She said and I smile.

"Well, I can't love anyone that isn't my own kind unless they are linked to me somehow." I said to her.

"Linked? Like in marriage?" She asked.

"No, more like blood connected." I said to her.

"Wait we have to be related?" She spoke and I smile at her.

"No, blood connected is when I bite you and we are connected by the title of master and pet." I said and I close my eyes.

"Master and pet?" She asked and I nod.

"What do I have to be your sex slave once I'm your slave?" She asked angrily. I shake my head and open my eyes as I look into her eyes.

"No, have you heard of a pet cat or dog?" I asked her and she nods.

"Same concept. You will be labeled as mine and if anyone miss treats you I will murder them." I growl at her.

"But you need to explain completely." She said and I nod.

"Okay, being a vampires pet means this. You are loyal to that vampire. You share the same blood. And you are treated like a spoiled pet." I said.

"Wait spoiled?" She asked.

"Yes, like you will have the same power as me and you will be marked by me and no one will want to do anything to you. No you don't have to wear a collar but you will wear my bite upon that beautiful neck of yours. Also you will have to be by my side all the time and everyone has to be respectful to you.  You will be my queen but the only problem is that vampires of my same status will see you as just a pet and nothing more. They will treat you like a kitten and if they are smart they won't think lowly of you." I tell her and she look at me.

"Eva?" I asked.

"Will it hurt?" She asked.

"Of course not." I said with a smile.

"What does it feel like?" She asked me.

"Well from what I have been told in the past is that  it is a small sharp pain but instantly is replaced with pleasure from the other." I tell her and she looks at me.

"What would you want?" She asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean do you want me?" She asked me not looking into my eyes and I lean in and kiss her and the pull back enough that my lips move against hers when I speak.

"Yes." I said as she kisses me for the first time and I smile.

She pulls back and looks up at me and closes her eyes.

"I will do it. I want to be yours." She said and I smile at her as I lean in and kiss her slowly.

Time to bite my girl.

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