Ch7: Tempted

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Lorcan POV

I kiss from the center of her neck, then to the side and begin going up. I get to the bottom of her jaw and linger there for a bit. 

I kiss it again and then I slowly follow the line.

"Lorcan." Sighed Eva as she wiggles her wrists.

"Yes." I say smoothly in her ear as I kiss it also.

"We really need to go." She said and I smile against her skin.

"Do you really want to go?" I asked her as my lips brush over hers.

"Yes." She said in a small voice.

"Hm... That's not what your mind wants." I say as I lean in closer so that we are chest to chest. My body in pinning hers.

"Lorcan." She said in a warning tone.

"I can give you what you want." I say against her cheek.

"Kitten." She tries that instead of my name and that little nickname of hers is even worse than her saying my name.

"Oo... You shouldn't say that name, sugar. I may just take you right here, right now." I say to her. As I growl in approval of her using that name.

"My lord!" Spoke loudly a clan member of mine said.

I lean back enough that if I yell it won't hurt Eva.

"Yes." I spoke in my ruler voice.

"Miss Charlotte want you." She spoke through the door.

"I will be down in a moment." I said and once I heard distant foot steps I attacked her neck again.

"See, this is what I mean by you are unbelievable." She said with a smile.

"Eva, you are perfect." I say to her.

"Lorcan, can I make a deal with you?" She asked me and I nod while still kissing her neck. She sighs when I am in a specific place on her neck. She scrunches up her neck to try and stop me so I growl and start to head down her neck to her chest.

"Hey, hey. Okay, I will stop just don't go that way." She said in a panicked voice. I nod and kiss my way back up to her neck.

"So, my deal is... Lorcan stop for... Lorcan." She starts to say and I just ignore her.

"If we go to dinner now... We can carry on tonight!" She shouted out and it made me freeze. I pull back and I saw panic in her eyes.

"Eva?" I asked and she nods.

"You heard me." She said.

I look down at her neck and saw it was red from my one to many assaults and I close my eyes and sigh.

"This is what I was worried about." I said to her.

"What?" She asked.

"Eva, I can't control myself with you. I am so sorry." I said to her and I saw her just staring at me.

"It, okay." She said and I shook my head no.

Then something registered in my brain.

"When you said that deal it sounded like you have said it multiple times." I asked her and her lips when into a thin line.

"Who else have you done that too?" I asked my lust now replaced with anger.

"Lorcan, I did what I had to do, okay." She said.

"Who?" I asked again this time a little more force on the word.

"Alpha Ryan Black." She whispered. And I clenched my teeth.  That bastard has done nothing but torture my little flower.

"Why did you have to say that to him?" I asked her.

"Because he would be doing things to me and his mate would come home. But he didn't want to stop so I had to start to make deals with him so he would go away sooner and give me time to think." She said in a emotionless voice.

"You want me to go away also?" I asked. And she snapped her eyes to mine.

"No, I don't it was just habit, I'm sorry." She said while looking down. I nod and lean in to her.  She closes her eye probably thinking I am going to kiss her again but instead I kiss her forehead.

"I'm sorry." I tell her against her forehead.

"I know, this is just something new for me." She said and I chuckle.

"What do you mean?" I asked. She leans back and looks up at me.

"This, someone talking to me, holding me, not forcing me into or into doing something, helping me." She said and I smile again. 

"Always." I say and press my lips to hers. I pull away and kiss her quickly on more time. Then I step back. 

"Okay, here put this on and you can go in that room to change your pants." I say as I hand her the pants. She takes then and kisses my cheek and I grab her arm and pull her to me.

"Sneaky, and we don't have time for a second round now so this in a sneak peak for the future." I say as I lean down and kiss her lips slowly.

I lean back and smile at her.

"Now go get changed." I say to her and she walks through the doo r and shuts it. I put my dress shirt back on and then I hear loud heels stomping  closer then my door is ripped open by a very mad Charlotte and I look at her.

"Ah, Charlotte, how are you?" I asked as I smile at her.

"I would been better if you would have came down stairs thirty minutes ago." She growls at me. Wow thirty minutes. I could have swore it was only ten. I guess I got carried away.

"Okay, okay, give me five minutes and I will be down, clear." I say in my demanding voice.

"Crystal." She grits out and turns on her heels. I rush to shut the door before Eva opens hers and walks in.

"So,  Charlotte?" She said. And I laugh at her thoughts.

"No." I say as I finish buttoning up my shirt.

"No, what?" She demands and I just laugh as I finish buttoning my shirt. I take a moment to inspect her.

My clothes look great on her and I am totally thinking about kicking Charlotte out and just staying here with her.

My shirt is a little big on her but since its a tank top it pulls enough that it looks like it fits. And the sweats are just really long and its adorable.

"Hey, stop awing and finish up. I'm hungry." She said and I roll my eyes.

I grab my jacket and throw it on and button it up also.  I put on my tie and look at Eva.

"Am I good?" I asked and she looked at me for a bit then she shook her head.

"It could use some work." She said and turn to walk out my room with out hearing my snarky comment.

I came up beside her and touched my hand to the small of her back and as we walked down the hall I lean towards her ear and whisper.

"Well played."

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