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ps. I am already apologizing if there will be an error about the Chinese words. I'm only learning on my own so please bear with me, thank you! ☺️

And another thing, I am on hiatus because of school. I will regularly update on December but I will try to post some chapters if I can and whenever there's a free time available.

Thank you for patiently waiting, Magics! Love you xx

PPS: Republished because I was able to recover the older version. Thanks to the one who helped me! ♥️

My eyes widened as I step closer to him. Why is he here? Is this a variety show? Is there really a hidden camera? Why the hell is he here? Am I being pranked?

"Hey," he rose to his feet, "I brought food." He showed me the plastic bag he was holding.

I swallowed some air and blinked twice to see if it's really him standing before me because why would Zhang Yixing be here? "H-Hi," I tried not to sound nervous but I still ended up that way. I quickly punched my code because I'm afraid someone would see him here, I better invite him inside first, "Come in."

"Nice house." He stated, looking around.

"Thanks." It was a good thing that I've always kept my house clean! Damn, who would've thought that the idol that I love would come here? It's a good thing I don't have a standee of him or else that would be awkward.

"You can sit here, Lay-ssi." I pointed the chair in the dining area and smiled before I went to the kitchen counter to pour the spicy rice cakes into a bowl.

He did what I told him, "Yixing." I heard him say, I lifted my head and stared at him. "Call me Yixing." Everyone calls him Lay though? But if that's what he want then Yixing it is. "You're Chinese, right?" He asked, smiling.

I am starting to get more confused about how he's knowing these information about me. I doubt that he saw it online because how would he know about that? In the end, I just nodded my head because maybe he just heard of it. There's no way that he knows me, I don't remember meeting him before, not even in my parents' social gatherings.

I placed the bowl in front of him and paused midway of turning my back, this suddenly feels familiar. I tilted my head, must be because I'm used to serving my father his food back in China. Yeah, that must be it because why would it be familiar to serve Yixing his food? I went back to the kitchen to pour him a glass of water and placed it in front of him before sitting across the table, watching him eat.

"Did you eat already?"

I nodded my head, I'm already full just by seeing him this close. He started eating the rice cakes when I noticed something was wrong. The silent atmosphere doesn't feel like a comfortable one and to add the fact that he's here instead of their dorm. Even though it was awkward, I still asked him, "Is everything alright?"

He raised his head, I was surprised to see his eyes glossy with tears and his lips are pressed into thin line. "What's wrong?" I was alarmed to see him like this! Something must be up!

He placed the chopsticks down, leaning against his seat, "Tao left."

My eyebrows furrowed. Tao left? He left South Korea? Isn't he injured? He left SM? He left... EXO? "W-What do you mean?"

In A Relationship With Lay of ExoWhere stories live. Discover now