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Yixing and Xu Yan are fifteen now, Chanyeol and Eunha is probably best friends for a year by this timeline... hehe. Hi! Love ü


I WENT home with the box of letters with me after spending the rest of the afternoon with Chenhui, DongAh and Minghua. The four of us watched a movie and ate dinner before we went our separate ways, Minghua offered to bring me home but I already called my driver to fetch me. He waited for me to get in the car before he decided to go home.

That afternoon with them is a win-win situation, I had fun and I didn't have to eat dinner alone.

"Do you need help with the box, Miss?"

I was woken up from my reverie when the chauffeur asked that, I didn't even notice that we're already in my house and he's holding the door open. I shook my head and hopped off the car with the box in my arms. Some of the maids offered help as well but I declined, telling them that I already had my dinner out with my friends.

When I got to my room, I placed the box at the corner and prepared to take a half bath. Chenhui kept on texting me about how she liked what happened earlier at the mass wedding, turned out that the two of them were watching at the back with the others. I brought my phone with me as I replied to her while I'm in the tub.

She's actually pushing me to like Minghua, or at least, give him a chance because she no longer like Zhang Yixing for me after what we witnessed weeks ago in the basketball court. "You deserve so much better, girl. Get over him as soon as you can." Those were the words she said and I can remember it clearly.

My forehead creased when I saw a couple of messages from an unknown number.

Where are you?

I'm going home.

Let's talk tomorrow.

I don't remember meeting anyone today? And why didn't this person tell me his or her name? How would I know if this is an important message? I ignored it and kept replying to Chenhui. The sender said that we will talk tomorrow so I assume that this person will approach me in school for sure. There's no need to stress over the identity, I'll find out anyway.

I was already preparing for bed when my phone started ringing, my mother's name was flashing on the screen. Wow, this is rare. I picked it up eagerly, "Yes, Mom?"

[Just checking on you. How's school?]

"It's doing great." My eyes caught the box of letters at the corner of my room, I'm not going to read those because they all contain the same things. I've tried it two years ago, same contents and they didn't even caught my attention although I really appreciate their efforts of giving me one. I'd probably read it when I feel lonely.

[Alright, take good care of yourself. Goodnight, baby.]

I heaved a sigh, "Goodnight, Mommy." Sometimes I wish she could call me longer than this, or visit me for a whole week and spend every minute of it with me but they kept on saying that the business needs them more than I do.

After I ended the call, I closed my eyes and slept without even thinking of anything because I'd probably get hurt by remembering any of the events from the morning of this day.

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