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I love you but please be patient. I'm working on with many issues, like the massive writer's block I get during episodes.

Please leave comments, xie xie!


It was high time for me drop the music school, I didn't have to take it anyway but I still did because I don't want to come back to China. I greeted all of the mentors and the other students that was close to me before I took my things out of my locker.

"Are you sure about this? We're going to miss you at recitals," Songyeon was pouting at my side as I open my locker.

I shook my head, smiling, "I'll come and watch whenever I'm free and it's not like we can't meet in school." We all go to the same university so what's wrong dropping music school?

Jiyeon and Rohee are in the middle of their sessions right now which leaves me to Songyeon who really hates the fact that I'm dropping music school, we might meet later for some soju night. My smile widened when I saw a bouquet of flowers, I glanced at Songyeon and saw that she wouldn't notice because she's leaning against the lockers, facing the opposite lockers.

L, I thought.

"But that's different, Xu Yan-ah! I will miss singing on stage while you play the piano!"

I searched for a note stuck on the bouquet and eventually saw a small card. My heart leaped at the sight of the very familiar penmanship. There's satisfaction inside my heart that takes over my whole system whenever L sends something. He, or she, never forgets.

You did well, Xu Yan. I'm glad to have witnessed you performing. See you soon.

Yours, L.

"What is that?"

I almost jumped when Songyeon grabbed the card from me, "Ya!" I tried taking it away from her but she ran away with it, she knew I won't run after her. It's something I don't really like, running. I hate catching my breath, sweating like a basketball player in the middle of championship game.

"Omo!" She screamed, "L again?!"

A giggle escaped my lips when I saw her chubby cheeks, Songyeon is like the baby among us. She likes sharing about things going in her life so she expects us to the same, Rohee and Jiyeon talks about their lives too but I didn't. There's nothing much to talk about anyway since nothing is going on in my life.

"Ya, Unnie!"

I came closer to her, snatching the card from her hands. "It's just another note, okay? No big deal."

I almost facepalmed when she went straight to my locker and found the bouquet I was trying to hide from her, "Oh my gosh! You're so lucky! He gave you these?" She took the tulips out of my locker, I nodded my head and proceeded packing my things while she fangirls beside me, still holding the flowers.

"You still haven't seen him? What if he really looks good? But if he looks good he wouldn't have to hide, right? He must be ugly!" Songyeon kept on talking about it until I left the school, I almost forgot to get the flowers from her because she was engrossed with it. She offered to take me to the bus stop, we chatted until the bus arrived.

She held my hand, "Come visit us when you're free, okay?"

I jokingly pushed her away, "You're acting like a child, Songyeon-ah. We'll still meet later. Soju night, remember? And in school."

"Ah, maja." She let out a laugh, "See you later."

I nodded my head and waved her goodbye before stepping inside the bus, settling at a seat near the window with my backpack on my lap. I checked my phone if there's any message from Zhang Yixing but I found none. It has been three weeks since I last saw him and he's actually busy these days due to their schedules here in South Korea and back in our home country, China.

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