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Happy new year, loves! Let's survive this year, okay? Love you xx

Ps: is it really hard to get 200 comments? Huhu. Should I kill her? U left a lot when Eunha died so...


I HANDED him the letter, he was the most handsome man in our batch and I can't let other girls have him when I know I can have him myself. It took me a couple of years before gathering all the courage I have to write him a letter, confessing of my love for him. He stared at my face down to my hands that are midair, hoping he would at least get the letter from me.

I gulped, my heart was beating fast and I can feel sweat forming on my forehead. Hell, he should really get it right now! Everything turned in slow motion when he walked past me, leaving me there like an idiot.

How can he do this to me?

My hands balled into fists as I turn my heel and ran after him. I abhor running but there's nothing else I can think of, he stopped when I pulled his arm. "Stop being a coward," I leaned in, whispering then slipped my letter in the pocket of his pants.

When I stood straight to stare at his face, he became faceless. He was blurry, I blinked to see if it will change but it didn't. I closed my eyes longer and when I opened them, I found myself at the same passenger seat, our car was spinning. My scream filled the entire car, I tried to look at the guy beside me but he has no face as well. Our car hit the wall so loud, I even saw blood rushing down my arms and my head. It was everywhere!

I tried to close my eyes again. Longer. And longer.

When I opened them, I was back in reality. The dimness of my room welcomed me, there are tears in my eyes and bullets of sweat falling down my face and neck. I catched my breath, it's the same damn nightmare. I don't know how I get those or where I got those but it's not funny, I get really scared because everything feels so freaking real that I thought I'm seriously dying, and that faceless man. Why can't I see his face?

I wiped my sweat off my forehead and reached for my aircondition's remote control to lower the temperature. The nightmares are probably because it's hot during summer and I don't like sweating because they're gross and uncomfortable.

My wish is that there will be no headaches for today. Yesterday's headache was really painful that I thought I'm about to die. It was a lucky day for me because I was able to wake up without injury or anything. I glanced at the clock, it's just quarter to four in the morning. I can still sleep for an hour, there would be no nightmares by then, right?

Oh, I hope there's none coming.

I CLOSED my locker after getting my books, I still have half an hour before my next class starts so my friends and I decided to hang out in the cafeteria for a while to kill time because our rooms are just in this building. I smiled when some students greeted me as I walked my way to the cafeteria.

Rohee, Jiyeon and Songyeon were sitting in one table near the middle. They already have their morning yogurts, I headed to the counter to buy my banana yogurt before coming to them. "Hey, girls." They all smiled when they turned to see me, I sat between Jiyeon and Rohee.

"How are you?" Jiyeon touched my forehead to check my temperature, I gently shoved her hand away.

"I don't have fever, okay? I'm alright now." I grinned at them before sipping my banana yogurt.

Rohee then pointed the specs that I was wearing, "Are those real?"

I nodded my head, "Went to the doctor the other day, my vision is a little impaired." We weren't able to meet yesterday because our schedules don't fit so it's their first time to meet me today. I glanced at Songyeon who was unusually quiet when I saw her sleeping already. "What happened?"

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