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"Did Yixing write Monodrama for you?"

I placed my phone on the table and stared at Fu Yixia, she was giving me a teaseful smile. "Ask him," I said before I took a bite from my slice of chocolate cake. Monodrama is a song Yixing released back in May 2016, a month after our divorce. It will be too conceited of me to assume that he wrote it because of what happened but if it's about someone else, that's seriously a different story. It took me a couple of months before I gathered the courage to actually listen to it but I was just in the middle of the song when I stopped and closed the Youtube app in my phone.

Because that song reminds me of everything.

Yixia rolled her eyes, her red lipstick looks bolder in her lips, "We're not close."

And do we look like we are? I mean how long has it been since we last talked to each other? Like the real talk like catching up and all? Never. Just short conversations about Zian and those were it, we just became Zian's parents and nothing else.

This girl always wants to dig my current life situation like she doesn't have enough drama in her life right now. My phone's screen lit up.

"Minghua's here," I announced

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"Minghua's here," I announced.

I heard her sigh, she downed the remaining coffee in her cup, "Please don't be too flirty in front of me, I don't have my boyfriend here."

My eyebrows furrowed, "We're not flirty when we're with other people, you know."

"Really? Because if my boyfriend is here, we'll be kissing nonstop."

What the hell? I grabbed the table napkin and threw it to her, "Stop it!" Where is her boyfriend anyway? He should collect his wild girl here! "It's really no wonder why you and Sinbi are friends." I don't even get why we're friends! They are so wild I can't even keep up with them, I feel exposed.

She shrugged her shoulders and grinned at me, "You should meet Nam Sora soon."

My eyebrows furrowed, that name is quite familiar. She's like—ah! I remember now. "She was my client before." I sipped some coffee.

"Client, my ass. She probably found out about you." She folded her arms and dreamily sighed, "I hope we could all meet, the whole girl gang."

"Girl gang?"

"The women in EXO's life." She exclaimed.

"In whom's life?"

I shoulders straightened when I heard Minghua's voice, I tilted my head and smiled at him, pointing the chair next to me. He looks dashing as usual, squeezing my hand once before he sat down.

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