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You matter to me. So much. So thank you for being here even though I disappear from time to time. U rock! ❤️ Being able to spend years with you was magical, and I'm always grateful for that. Love ü xx


I smiled at him, "Stop staring." I jokingly pushed his face away. Really, he always like it watching me eat and I hate it when he does that! I probably look ugly when I eat especially right now! Ugh!

He laughed at my reaction, "Why? You look really beautiful, Xu Yan-ah."

I rolled my eyes. He's just saying that because he doesn't want me to feel bad but I know myself, I'm literally ugly right now. "Shut up," I got to my feet to reach for the banana and sat beside him again.

"How's the food?" I heard him ask.

"It's okay," I shrugged my shoulders and acted like the taste was so-so when in fact it tastes so good! I love it when he cooks, his food makes me feel so special like it was only cooked for me but I'm not going to tell him that. He can be really over confident at times.

He grabbed a piece of pork with his chopsticks and brought it to my mouth, "Say ahh." I glared at him before doing so. Hell, I can eat everything he cooked today! He moved closer to me until the tip of his nose touched my cheek, "You like it, hm?"

My eyebrows furrowed.

You like it, hm?

You like it, hm?

I blinked once because of confusion and when I opened my eyes, I saw myself sitting on the passenger seat of a car and a fast trailer truck is about to hit us. I screamed so hard as I watch it slowly hit the hood causing our car to be pushed to a wall, "AHHHHHHHHHH!"

Then I woke up.

My chest rose and fell with rapid breaths, I clutched my chest. Gàn, what was that? Why did that feel so real? I shut my eyes hard, trying to remember the face of the guy in my nightmare but I couldn't. He remains faceless.

Glancing at the digital clock on the bedside table, I stood up to get a glass of water. Oh, it's already five in the morning, I should get ready for school. It took me an hour to cook and eat my breakfast. I stood in front of the mirror, brushing my teeth when scenes from my nightmare flashed in my mind. "Ah," I closed my eyes when my head started throbbing again. My hands reached for the sink, "Shit."

I screamed louder when it became more painful, fuck! It feels like someone is drilling my temples! My knees wobbled that I fell down on the floor, curling my body with my hands on my head. "Ugh—AHHHHHHH!" I gritted my teeth, trying to endure the pain but I just couldn't. What the hell is happening?

Another one painful throb came and I found myself losing consciousness.

I WOKE up still inside the bathroom, slowly sitting up and trying to feel if my head is still throbbing but it is no longer painful. Heaving a sigh, I realized that maybe it's because I'm staying late too much staring on my computer's screen because of work. My eyes are probably being damaged and I should go and have it checked. I spent a few minutes sitting there before slowly standing up.

My feet felt light as I went back to my bedroom only to find out that I was unconscious for three hours. There is no way I'm going to make it to school, I can just skip today and go to the doctor, I can just present a medical certificate as an excuse for my absence. I went back to the bathroom to brush my teeth again and take a bath.

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