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Ps. Sorry for not updating for so long but yeah, I told you college has resumed and regular updates will be back on summer (June). Thank you for patiently waiting. Lovelots xx


I GULPED at the sight of her. She's really here! Now I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be happy or not, it's very unlikely of her to turn up out of the blue! It's either she missed me or she has bad news for me, the former seems impossible though. In the end, I chose to hug her tightly, "Thank you, Mom."

She combed my hair with her fingers when I moved away, "You're so grown up now, sixteen and we're almost on the same height."

I didn't know how to respond to that so I just bobbed my head, being away from my parents for years makes it hard for me to interact with them personally.

"And I heard some news about you," She started and I knew things are about to go down now. My mother wouldn't stress herself coming here in Changsha from Shanghai over petty things. Her eyes changed from passionate to sharp, "you got yourself a boyfriend?"

I opened my mouth to say something but the words failed to come out. I clenched and unclenched my fist, trying to calm myself but I just couldn't. Her question seems like a trap, I know she's already aware of the truth but there's a part of me who wants to lie just to save my relationship with Yixing. Her eyes narrowed at me, expecting me to confirm the 'news' she heard. I lowered my head, staring at the floor, "Yes."

"Who is he?" Her voice was stern, I can feel that she wants me to say a familiar name. Someone who belongs to the same class as us but... Yixing doesn't. The Zhangs are below us at some point, they were above average but not enough to compare to my family. I just wished my parents weren't mean people, I hope they didn't judge people based on their economic status.

I took a deep breath, "Zhang Yixing."

My heart constricted in pain when I heard my mother gasp in horror. I looked up to see her reaction but her hand flew to my cheek. Fuck, that hurt! If this was an animation, there must be smoke coming out of my mother's nostrils. I can't believe I'm thinking about that when my cheek hurts to death. My mother used to be a volleyball player when she was young, and she's a spiker. I can say that she still has the talent.

"If you're going to flirt anyway, then why can't you flirt with someone richer than us? Why do you have to flirt with that stupid boy? What are you going to do? Pay for his living expenses?" She pulled my hair harshly then let go, I kept mum. Yixing is not stupid. Yixing isn't poor. Yixing will be successful just so you wait. I wanted to say those but I'd rather say nothing.

"He's just using you for your money! Don't you get that?!" I flinched after she slapped me once more. I almost hissed, hearing this painful long beep on my ear. Gosh, am I going to be deaf?

Yixing is not after my money! Or your money!

"Break up with him."

I knew she was going to say that. I just knew it. I fucking knew it. The tone of her voice made it clear for me that her decision is final and there's nothing I can do to change her mind.

But it's not wrong trying to do so.

"No, Mom." I declared. I am not going to break up with him. No one can break us apart. Not even death. I fucking swear.

I almost lost my balance when I got another slap, I pressed my eyes shut. Holding back the tears that shouldn't fall. I can't let her see that I am weak.

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