s a n s h i s i

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OUR HOUSE in Beijing seemed like a mansion, it's grander compared to the one we have in Changsha which is probably abandoned now since I'm no longer around. I texted my mother last night, asking where she is and I'm relieved to know she just landed in Beijing. She has no idea that I've been living here, all she knows is that I'm still in Seoul, living like a fool.

I've already told Zian about the people we're about to meet, I'm not sure if my father is here as well. As for Yixing, he unfortunately couldn't come with us because of his schedules again. The wedding is on the day after tomorrow and everything else is settled except for this one. I rolled the cab's window down when the guard approached us, he looked surprise seeing me, "Miss Xu Yan," he bowed his head down and signalled for the huge gates to open.

The huge garden is still blooming in the middle of summer, variety of flowers and plants are all over it. The sprinklers are turned on, watering the bermuda grasses. I held my breath when the cab turned around the fountain and dropped us right in front the double doors of our mansion, I handed the drive my card and waited for it to be given back before I guided Zian down the cab.

The double doors were open, I stepped inside it with Zian's hand on mine. How long has it been since I last came here? Everything is still the same. The big chandelier is still hanging on the ceiling and the grand staircase is still intimidating.


I glanced at Zian when he pointed the miniature gold ferrari car, my father collects them and they are pure gold. My family is indeed rich, I never really thought about it until now. When I was young, money just comes and goes. I knew we're not going to run out of it for the mean time but seeing this house again and realizing everything in here screams millions and maybe billions of yuans is pretty blinding. I opened one door near the living room, leading Zian and I to the entertainment room. Luckily, there was a television there.

I turned it on and searched for a channel that caters animation and gave Zian his iPad, "Stay here for a while, okay? Mama will just talk with Grandma for a while."

"Yes, please bring food too!" I chuckled at him and messed his hair before I stepped out of the entertainment room. One maid was waiting outside and I told her to bring food for Zian.

"Xu Yan?"

I tightened my grip on the door knob before I glanced at the direction where my mother's voice came from, "Mother." She aged a bit but her face is still the same from the last time I saw her before she left South Korea and flew here after I learned how to finally walk again.

"Since when did you com—" she quickly came to me for a hug but I moved away, her smile faltered when she peeked inside and saw Zian sitting on the couch, "who is he?"

I quickly closed the door, afraid that Zian might hear and raised my chin higher, "This is my son, Zhang Zian."

Her eyes widened, "Tian na, you have a son?"

What? Why is she acting like she doesn't know? No, it's impossible! She's lying to me again! Seriously, do I look so gullible? Why is everyone lying at me? "Stop acting like you don't know, please. I've regained my memories, I knew you lied to me! You took me away from Yixing and sent me to South Korea, right?"


"See? Why did you take me away? Why did you let my son grow up without me? Why can't you let me be happy?" I quickly wiped the tear that fell from eye, "Why are you so heartless?"

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