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Li Chenhui!

It is her!

I immediately came to her and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, "Tian na, you are so beautiful, Li Chenhui!"

Her last image in my recently remembered memory is totally different from what I'm seeing today! She's definitely a woman now, far from that Chenhui before that always wants to eat ice cream with me. It took her a few seconds before she returned my hug, "It's been a long time, Xu Yan."

Oh, my gosh! Even her voice sounds like a lady, soft and sweet. I pulled away and smiled widely at her, "I know!" I never thought I was missing her so much until I saw her today, she's another key of my past. Those that I have forgotten. She's a big part of my life and I can't believe I'm reunited with my best friend again. "Why are you here, by the way?"

"Uh, my cousin owns this studio." She pointed the girl behind the counter who's busy talking to a customer, I suppose.

"Oh," I was about to say something when Zian pulled my hand, I turned to him.

"Xu Yan, you know Machen?"

My brows furrowed, I leaned towards Zian, "Baby, her name isn't Machen. She's A yi Chenhui. She's Xu Yan's best friend." I looked back at Chenhui, and introduced Zian to her as a proud mother, "This is Zian, my son, remember?"

Her mouth curved into a smile, "I know, I've always visited him for you. I know you'd hate me if I won't."

I chuckled at her remark. She knows me so well, no wonder she's my best friend. "Of course, you have to take care of your godson." I said, ruffling Zian's hair.

"Xu Ya--" Zian was saying something when he got interrupted by Chenhui, "I have to go now, I have an appointment in half an hour." She slightly pinched Zian's cheek, "Bye, Zian." And gave me another tight yet warm hug, "It was lovely to see you again, Xu Yan." before she left.

That was a brief meeting, and it was such a great coincidence that I met her here! I wished we had more time so we can catch up about things, a lot must've happened in six years. I wonder if she's still with Dongah or she has another guy right now. I held Zian's hand and headed to girl Chenhui called her cousin.

"Ni hao," I greeted, "Zian has a piano lesson today, what time will it start?"

"Hi!" She waved at Zian, "It'll start in 30 minutes, you can wait inside Studio 1 for a while until his mentor comes in after her session right now. You're accompanying Zian today?"

Nodding my head, I said, "I'm his mother."

"Oh," she looked taken aback. Probably because I look too young to be a mother of kid turning seven. "This is the first time I saw you here."

My smile faded but I tried to fake one. Zian spoke up, "Xu Yan just came back yesterday."

I glanced at him, and gestured my thumb towards the direction of Studio 1, "We'll be heading there now, thank you."

Zian and I entered the said studio. It wasn't small but it wasn't a large studio either. Enough to fit a smaller version of a grand piano, a couch, and five people, I guess. My son immediately sat on the piano bench while I deposited my bag on the couch before stepping closer to him. I opened the lid so the sound would be louder and clearer rather than having it closed, watching as Zian press some keys.

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