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WIPING MY own tears has been my hobby this month, and I did it again as I stand near the front door, waiting for Chenhui to arrive. Zian is sleeping already and Yixing is with him, I told Yixing's parents to sleep because I think the situation will be handled well as Chenhui is on her way.

To be honest, I'm fucking frustrated over this situation. I don't understand anything! Did Chenhui took care of Zian when I was away? Did they spend so much time together? Why is my son looking for someone else when his own mother is beside him?

Sacrificing my life and getting a second life sure has a very expensive amount in exchange.

Chenhui came in with a duffel bag, "Where is he?"

I clasped my trembling hands together, "In his room. He's asleep so I hope you could cook chicken soup for him."

Seeing Chenhui makes me feel threatened at some point, I don't know what she did for my son to look for her when he doesn't feel well. I definitely have no idea who she is to his life and I'm not sure if I even want to find out. They say, 'Ignorance is bliss'. Whatever it is that I don't know won't hurt me but why does it still feel painful being clueless?

She nodded her head, the maid who opened up the gates for her took her duffel bag. We both headed to the kitchen, I stood near the kitchen counter, watching her as she moves easily around the room like she's been here often. Folding my arms across my chest, I decided to take the shot and ask her, "Why did Zian specifically asked for your soup?"

She paused for a while and continued opening the fridge to take out raw chicken, "Why do you ask?"

I bit my lip, looking away, "I cooked for him but he wanted yours." And returned my gaze on her, "Why is that?" What does Machen fucking mean? Why are you so familiar with the kitchen? What freaking happened when I was away? And lastly, who are you?

She shrugged her shoulders, "I used to cook for him whenever I can drop by and visit him, he must've been used to my recipe."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I am your best friend or at least, I used to be! At the same time, I am the mother of that child!

She stopped pouring water in the pot and stared at me, sighing, "I didn't know it was important."

Tian na. I rolled my eyes, "Come upstairs once it's cooked." Liar. I turned my heel and left to go back to Zian. Something is up, I can feel that through her answers. She's been holding back something inside her, I can feel it. Chenhui really forgot that I was her best friend and I know every little thing about her.

Years ago, she didn't have to say anything because I already know when she's hurting, when she's happy or sad or disappointed.

I totally know when she's lying and she just did. To me. And the reason is still unknown. Six years were a lot of time, really, because I don't know anyone anymore. Everyone is just different from the last version of themselves that I've been with. Yixing was on his phone when I entered the room, I ignored him and sat on the bed next to Zian, running my fingers through his damp hair because of sweat.

Sweating is good, right? It means his heat is finally coming out. I reached for the towel on the bedside table and wiped Zian's sweaty forehead and neck. This must be what mothers feel when their children are sick, it makes them want to be the one suffering instead of their child. I shouldn't let Zian stay in the pool until night next time.

Chenhui stepped inside the room with the tray on her hands. I removed my eyes on her and tried to wake Zian up by gently tapping his arm, "Zian, it's time for you to eat. A yi is already here."

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