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Ps: This is now 2015, okay?

Please bear with me through this new journey. Huhu. Love you.


"IF I tell you everything would you believe me?"


I looked around, trying to search for anyone watching us. My eyes went back to him, "Oppa, is there a hidden camera?" Omo, what if it's just a dare in a variety show?

Right. That must be it! Because how would he even know me? And why would he even talk to me if it's not?

His forehead creased while I continued looking around, I'm sure the camera men are just here somewhere, hiding. I heard Lay chuckle, "No, there's no hidden camera. I was just kidding you."

I sighed in relief. Wooh, I thought I'll be seeing myself in the television! My heart couldn't take his presence, Zhang Yixing being this close to me is beyond than what I've ever dreamt of! I am already happy with eye contact but this is way, way better! I tried not to sniff too much, but hell, he smells so good even from where I was standing!

"Are you about to go home?"

I raised my head, "N-Ne?" Then I realized what he just asked, "Ne."

Why is he asking anyway? Gosh, is it wrong for me to wish he'll walk me home? Although that's far from what reality but heol, a girl can hope!

He nodded his head, "Let's go?"

My mouth parted in awe, "Huh?"

"I'll walk you home." He gave that boyish grin, showing his dimples.


I tried to pinch myself, making sure that this is not just another dream and it hurt. This is a hundred percent happening! I stood there for a few seconds, letting everything sink in before I agreed.

Now I think this is seriously a hidden camera prank! There is no freaking way that a Kpop idol would walk an ordinary girl home. Jinjja! But okay, I'll go with the flow. I was acting like it's not a big deal walking beside him when in fact, my hands are sweaty and my heart's rapidly beating inside my ribcages.

I should've lived farther if I only knew that this would happen. Ugh.

Stolen glances. Manly smell. Perfect guy. Starry night. Chocolate ice cream inside the plastic on my hand. Me.

It could've been a perfect date if he was my boyfriend—wait! He's my boyfriend anyway, this is surely a date except that... he doesn't know. I giggled at the thought of it.

"What is it?"

I jerked when I heard speak. Did he hear me? Omo! Xu Yan, can you please be more careful? I shook my head, still staring at the road we're taking. I'm so excited to tell my friends about this! They'll freak out, of course! Hah! Zhang Yixing took me home and this is not a dream. Definitely not!

But I will seriously bawl my eyes out if it turns out to be one.

My heart felt heavier and heavier as we get closer and closer to my house. I stopped walking as we reached my front door then turned to him, "Thank you for walking me home, Oppa."

In A Relationship With Lay of ExoWhere stories live. Discover now