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Ps: Minhyun is the second son

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Ps: Minhyun is the second son. Order of the children:
Zian (2008)
Minhyun (2012)
Meixiu (2014)
Sangjun (2019)

Our current timeline is July 9, 2015.


YIXING AND I both agreed to stay in Seoul for a while, he understood how China doesn't make me feel better as of the moment also because I don't have a house in Beijing and staying in the hotel is such a pain in the ass of my bank account. Seoul is good too, I can introduce a different culture to Zian while we're still here.

The EXO members wanted to spend time with Zian again by the time they came back from their concerts in Tokyo and since Zian seems to have fun around his uncles who are ready to do whatever he wants, I let Yixing take him there even though my son is obviously clueless whenever they talk unless Yixing translates it to him. It's funny how the members try their best to communicate with their basic Mandarin.

I, on the other hand, decided to meet with Youngjin in Coffee Cube, might as well say hi to Sinbi if ever she's there but it's noon so I doubt that she'll he around. Her duty is always at night time or around dawn, she told me she's used to sleeping at day time so I don't know. That girl has always been a mystery anyway.

My eyes lingered around the coffee shop to look for Youngjin but she's not yet around so I found us a table and patiently waited for her. I sent a message to the girls, informing them that I'm already back in Seoul. I figured that it's better to inform them a few days late so I could spend more time with Zian for I'm sure they would want to meet me right away. Also, I need to buy myself time to think of how I'm going to explain leaving a month ago and coming back with a six-year-old child?

I almost jumped when someone hugged me from behind, "Unnie!" Youngjin kissed me on the cheek. Heol, this girl is growing up too fast. She's just turned 18 but she looks different from the day I last saw her.

I handed her the paper bag that was on the table, "Happy birthday!" Her birthday was on June 12 and I wasn't around to give her a gift so I thought that maybe I could give her one today.

"Wah, thank you!" She took it with both of her hands, I motioned her to take her seat so we could talk more.

I've met Youngjin around 2013 so she's basically my sister, it's almost like I raised her so seeing her wearing such beautiful clothes made me feel proud. Thinking that one day, someone will break her heart makes me feel uneasy. This little girl doesn't deserve a heartbreak so I hope she won't ever experience one. Thankfully, she only has her eyes on Do Kyungsoo and as long as it stays that way then I think her heart will be safe.

She tried to peek inside the paper bag, "Unnie, can I open it already?"

"Hae," I nodded my head. I'm sure she'll like it, it's a jacket I saw one time when I was shopping with Zian and I immediately remembered her. I was also thinking of stealing something from Kyungsoo in their dorm but I thought that might be too much and too wrong so I striked it off my list of possible gifts. (Do it.)

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