e r s h i l i u

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Special thanks to Jaunine for helping me! Much love xx

Btw, I hope you're still enjoying this story because honestly, we still have a long way to go despite this chapter being the 26th already.


"ZIAN, BIKE slowly!" I yelled when I noticed that he was picking up with his speed.

It's been four days since Yixing left to attend all his schedules and responsibilities as Zhang Yixing. Also that same day, I bought Zian his bicycle. Although today, Yixing's flying to Thailand as EXO's Lay for their EXo'luXion tour. He sent a text earlier that he was about to board the plane which means he won't be able to reply to my messages.

Zian cycled his way back to me, giggling, "See, Xu Yan? I told you I can do it already, we can remove the training wheels!" His eyes were wide, trying to prove a point. I stepped closer to him and wiped the sweat on his forehead and on his back.

"We can't, your Papa has to see you first and confirm that we can remove it already."

He's been convincing me since last night that I can remove his training wheels because he already mastered the basics of biking but Yixing told me last night that we have to wait for him, he knows Zian can do it already but he still wants to witness our son with the training wheels.

Zian is growing fast.

It's a shame that I can only witness this part of his life. I wish I could replay the times when he first crawled, said his first word, his first step, his first time eating with a spoon, a lot of his first times. But hey, there's no turning back now and only moving forward is left to do.

I chuckled when Zian sighed but my heart cracked a bit when he asked, "When is Papa coming home?"

That moment felt suffocating for me somehow, I didn't know what to tell my son. How long has he been feeling like this? Did he always have to wait for a long time before Yixing comes home? Instead of explaining, I simply answered, "He's coming home after four nights! That's a really short time, baby. Do you want to do something when he comes home?"

Yixing will be arriving on the 24th and will only have to shoot for his movie's poster for that day then he's free until 27 because on the 28th, he needs to travel to Shanghai to film a Go Fighting episode. It feels really lonely somehow but supporting Yixing about his dreams is my main priority aside taking care of Zian.

Zian stepped down from his bike and took my hand, "Hmm, I don't know."

My other hand held his bike and pulled it with us as we walk back to the hotel from the park where we currently are. "Let's think about that some other time, are you hungry?"

Zian's face brightened at the mention of hunger, "Can you make those riceballs again?"

One thing that I was surprised about is that Zian enjoys Korean food as much as I do. I'm not sure about Yixing but I guess he likes it too since he spent years eating Korean cuisine.

"Okay!" I said, Zian crinkled his nose before giggling. Darn, I'm so in love with my son!

YIXING SENT me Chenhui's number yesterday and until now I haven't sent a message yet. I don't know, I feel so nervous. What if we she has another best friend now? I've been gone for years! And I doubt that my parents told them anything. I placed my phone down on the kitchen counter and went back on the living room where Zian is.

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