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The light outside was shining brightly into Ming's room. The rays from the sun shined right onto his closed eyelids. The birds outside were chirping loudly, signaling the start to the wonderful day ahead.

"Mmmmh" Ming groan. "Why is it so damn bright? And those damn birds, why the hell do that have to be sooo loud?" "Shut up will you!" Ming healed.
Ming rolled over and blinked his eyes several times to adjust them to the bright light that's in the room.

When the sleep was gone from his eyes, and he could finally see with all of the light that was coming through the windows. Ming grabbed his phone to see the time. But when he looked at his phone, all he saw was the black screen of his dead phone. "What!" Ming said, "don't tell me that I forgot to put my phone on the charger last night?"

Ming got up and plugged in his phone. While it was charging up, Ming looked to the clock that was on his night stand. Only to see it flashing 12:00 over and over again. "Oh man did the electricity go out while I was sleeping?" Ming got his phone and turned it on, when it finally powered up. His phone beeped, signaling that he had received a message. When he picked his phone up, he saw that the message was from Yo. His phone went off again and then again. 'I guess because my phone was off, all of the messages are just now coming through."'Ming thought to himself.

Ming looked at his phone and his eyes shot wide open, when he saw the texts that he had received.

6:30 am
"Ming hope your awake"

6:45 am
"Ming I'm almost dressed, I'll meet you in the lobby.

7:00 am
"Ming I'm here waiting"

7:05 am

7:10 am
"Ming where are you? I've been waiting for you! You said that you where going to buy me breakfast.😡

7:20 am.
"God! I'm not waiting anymore. I called P'Pha, and he is going to bring me to the science facility. I'll see you later.

"Shia!" Shouted Ming. "It's 7:35, I have a class at 8:00 am. Ming ran to the bathroom to take a shower. When he was done, he quickly got dress and headed out the door. "Yo is definitely not happy with me. He told me that his first class was at 7:30, that means that he didn't get to eat breakfast." A hungry Wayo, is a very scary Wayo. Hope that P'Pha had snacks in his car" Ming said to himself as he was speeding to the engineering facility. When he got to the engineering building it was 7:56. He ran to his class, in hopes that he would make it there before the lecturer. When Ming got to the classroom door, he ran right into said lecturer.

"Mr. Mingkwan why are are you running like you've just seen a ghost "Sawasdee ma'am" Ming said, waiing as he tried to get by her. 'Asking me why I am running? When you know that had 2 more seconds gone by, I would not have been allowed to enter the classroom.' Ming mumbled to himself.

"Ok class take your seats, I hope all of you have been going over your notes for the last few days, because we have a pop quiz." Once again Ming's eyes shot open "What a pop quiz? I didn't even spare a glance at my notes. "Mr. Mingkwan sit down!" Ming took his set. Knowing without a shadow of a doubt, that he will be failing this quiz that his lecturer seem to have pulled out of no where.

When class was over, ming was none to happy with his score on his quiz. All he could think was, "maybe Yo was right. I definitely need to stop thinking about P'Kit so much and start thinking about my class work more." But asking Ming to think less of Kit was like asking a fish to stop swimming. That is just something that was never going to happen.

Done with chapter 1. Please let me know what you guys think. This is my first time writing a fanfic, and I just wanted to see if I am any good at it.

If you liked it don't forget to leave some Likes and Comments. Thank you!!✌🏾

Ps. I am not Thai, I am Jamaican. So please let me know if i need to fix any words in this and up coming chapter. 💙

Ming's Terrible, Horrible, Not so very good day. Ming&Kit (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now