Chapter One-

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~Faith's P.O.V~

'So Ethan said we needed to go to this bomb fire, party thing tonight' Hope says approaching me,
'Uh, no thanks' I say putting my knifes in my sash,
'Hah, you actually think you have a choice' I hear from behind me. Ethan
'I don't want to be rude, but do I really have to go?' I say in a calm voice trying to be nice as possible,
'Listen here, buddy. You don't have a choice, you are part of this group you don't want to be out, do you?' He says coming closer to me, looking really intimidating, I gulp and shake my head frantically,
'No Ethan'
'Good, now get ready' he says walking past me bumping my shoulder. Grayson comes up to me, at least he's decant,
'Sorry, he's a bit of dick, you'll be right' he says with a smile and patting my shoulder.
'This is gonna be interesting'

At the party

'I already hate this' I say to Hope, only to see that she's not beside me but Ethan is, shit.
'What did I say before? I can kick you out in a second, don't be such a bitch' he said walking off,
'Dick head' I say under my breath.

A few hours later

I really don't feel well Aaron and Jack gave me this drink thing but I think it was drugged or something, everything is spinning I feel like I'm floating,
'Faith, are you ok?' I hear Hope say,
'I need to, um, I don't know'
'Are you high? Or drunk?'
'Alone! That's what I need to be' I say walking away

For some reason I'm really pissed at Ethan, he's a piece of shit, yeah that's what he is, I see him, I see him over there.
'Ethan, yeah you, I don't like you'
'Faith, are you ok, it's me Gray-'
'No! You're Ethan, I would know'
'Faith look at me, it's me Grayson' I know he's trying to trick me, I'm not stupid,
'You know what, you're a piece of shit and deserve to be gone' he tries to grab my hand but I fight back and tell him to piss off
'Ok, Faith you're drunk stop being stupid and listen to me'
'No, you listen to me, Ethan you're just a weak person that's why you have a gang, to help you'
'Stop talking about Ethan like that'
'Stop saying you're Grayson'
'Fucking oath, Faith. I'm Grayson!' He starts walking towards me and try and picks me up, as I've been trained to do in a time like this I get my pocket knife from my pocket and stab him,
'What the fuck Faith, why would you do that' I stab him again, he needs to stop lying, I stab him a few more times until I've had enough. His eyes are closed, but he'll come too it eventually.

The next day

'EVERYONE GET THE FUCK UP' we all hear Ethan yell, I was having an awful dream, I was stabbing Grayson thinking it was Ethan and he died, wait why isn't Grayson here with Ethan? We all get up getting ready for Ethan's orders,
'Where Grayson?' Aaron asks, that made Ethan punch a wall,
'Gray-Grayson is' there was a long pause,
'Dead.' No. My heart and mouth drop, he can't be,
'How did he die' I asked, isn't it weird that in my dream he died and now he's, dead.
'He was stabbed, many times' this can't be true, no this isn't happening, it wasn't real. Was it?
'We found him at the party, and any of you are suspects'
'Wait what?' Jack says
'He was killed with a pocket knife, all of you had your pocket knifes, we will find the killer and kill him or her'

A few hours later

I can't breathe, what happened if I did it, I killed Grayson, the person who was always nice to me. I got to my room and look at my pocket knifes, one is missing. Shit. I look everywhere until I go into my bathroom and see blood in the sink and a knife in the bin. I did it. I killed Grayson. I start to cry, why, why the fuck did I do it.

Ethan called us into the main room, he's packing like he's going somewhere,
'Uh, where are you going?' Hope says in a quite voice
'L.A, my friend Nathaniel lives there, I need to tell him about Grayson's death, I don't know how long I'll be gone, maybe a week, maybe two. Tana, you're in charge, make sure nothing goes wrong' she nods.

One day later

'Hope, I need to talk to you' I say running up to her
'Ok, let's go to my room'
'No, I need to talk to somewhere that's not here'
'Uh. Are you ok?'
'No' I drag her to the nearest park and we sit down, I wait till my dad gets here. Once dad finally gets here I start talking,
'As you guys know, Grayson, died, and, um I think I killed him' their faces are blank,
'Let me explain' 'At the party I got drugged, I think. I went up to Grayson thinking it was Ethan, I was mad very mad, so I stabbed him and kept going, I just thought that he passed out, I didn't know I killed him' by the end I was balling my eyes out,
'Please say something'
'My darling Faith, it's ok'
'We will help you, your dad and I, we're on your side' you see, my dad is a police officer, he works for the witness protection program, Hope is the only one who knows, if anyone else did, I'd be dead.
'Faith, my darling daughter, Ethan will find out and when he does, he's going to want revenge, if you want to live, you are going to have to run'

We made a plan, I'm moving to a different part of New Jersey, it's going to be hard to leave, but I need to, I need to get away.
'Ok, so here's all your stuff from your bathroom and under your bed' Hope gives me all my stuff, we hear a knock on my door, shit. We chuck everything under my bed and go open the door, Tana is standing there with a pissed off expression on her face,
'Where were you guys?' She asks walking around my room,
'We needed air, we can't accept the fact that Grayson is dead' Hope says,
'I see, well, tell me when you guys leave next time' we both nod and she closes the door,
'That was close' I agree. We continue packing until I bring something up,
'Hope, you know we won't be able to keep in contact, I won't be able to see you again'
'I know, that's why I don't want to talk about it or for you to go, but you need to, we need to protect you' I go to hug her, man I'm going to miss her.

Around 12 in the morning

'Are you sure everyone is asleep' I ask, a little scared for what I'm about to do,
'I'm sure'
'I love you Hope, remember that, you are my best friend, thank you so much for everything. I'm going to miss you so much and I don't want to say goodbye' I say staring to tear up,
'Don't cry, we'll always remember each other, I love you too, but now, go be free, live your life' we hug each other for what seems like an eternity, she opens the door for me and I step out, I wave back to her and she waves back, then I start walking, never looking back.

New life here I come.

So here's the first chapter of run! Sorry the ending was crappy, I didn't know how to end it. The next chapter will be like a part two of this chapter then is starts to get into the book and all the drama, I really hoped you like it.
Bye our Happy Little Vegemites 💓- A

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