Chapter Twelve

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A few months later*

~Aria's P.O.V~

I haven't talked to Nate for a few months, I miss him, but I was a bitch to him, I told him my name wasn't Aria and then left, not sketchy at all. I see him around the apartment building and around L.A but I never have the courage to talk to him. Surprisingly everything has been ok for the past few months, my mum got a job offering in Miami, so she's been down there for a while, I'm going ok, besides the Nate thing, I got a job at a local cafe, I forgot about Ethan for a while, he hasn't done anything which is not like him, I am still looking out for him though, could never take any chances.

~Ethan's P.O.V~

'Hope! Get in here' I yell, I have a little plan in my mind, she comes walking in
'Sit' I tell her, she hesitantly sits down,
'Um what did you need me for?'
'I'm sending you to L.A, you need to do something for me'
'Sure, what do I need to do?' I lean in my chair,
'How would you feel if you could see Faith again?'

~Aria's P.O.V~

As I'm working I see someone awfully familiar. Hope. It's her.
'Aria, go serve' my boss says. Then I'll have to serve Hope. I think not
'Uh, are you sure? Maybe get Alex to serve' I say scratching the back of neck,
'Aria' he gives me a death stare, I mentally prepare myself,
'Hi, welcome to Cafe Dé Paris, what can I get for you today' I say looking down not daring to look up
'Faith! Faith it's me, Hope' she says in a whisper,
'I'm sorry I don't know a Hope, what can I get for you today?' I say now looking up at her confused face
'Faith? You died your hair, you look different' she says admiring me
'The menu is to your left, let me know when you are ready to order'
'If you are not going to order anything I suggest you move to the right, I have customers' I say ignoring everything,
'Why does your name tag say Aria? Your name is Faith'
'Can you keep it down?' I say getting annoyed
'Meet me out the back in 10' she nods


'Omg Faith!' She hugs me, I don't hug back,
'My name is Aria'
'Why did you change your name? And why has your whole personality changed?'
'Are you serious? Ethan wanted to kill me! I had to change' I shouted a little, 'Why are you here, Hope?'
'Ethan sent me here' I scoff
'Faith, I want to protect you, he is coming for you, and he's not gonna leave you alone until you are dead, that's why I'm here, he said I have to give him information so he can kill you for once'
I stand there, I've always known he's wanted to kill me, but hearing Hope say everything, makes me scared, really scared.
'I'm on your side, Faith, don't worry about it, I'll give him false information, just to make sure you are safe' I smile and hug her,
'Gosh, you don't know how much I missed you' I say hugger her tighter.
'I miss you too, but I need to go, I'm not leaving until tomorrow' I hug her once more,
'Oh, Ethan mentioned someone named Nate, you know him?
'Uh, yeah'
'Ethan told me to tell you, good luck on the relationship, because once the truth is out, he won't even want to look at you' she gives me a reassuring smile.

I have to tell Nate before Ethan does.

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