Chapter Thirteen

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~Nate's P.O.V~

I decided to go on a hike today. As I'm walking out of my apartment I see Aria or whatever her name is running towards me, I quickly turn around and try to open my door but no name stops me.

'Please Nate, I really need to talk to you'
'It's really important, please, Nate' I roll my eyes
'Come in' she opens the door and I lead her to my couch
'What did you want to talk to me about'
'Everything. The truth'

~Aria's P.O.V~

'My name is Faith. Faith Mitchells.' I can't read his facial expressions, he mentions for me to continue.
'I was born on the 15th of November 1999 into a beautiful family, and amazing father who did everything for his wife and new child. A gorgeous mother who had a heart bigger than the world. Life was amazing and beautiful family, in a beautiful neighbourhood' I smile thinking of thinking of the way life used to be, Nate gives me a reassuring smile.

'I went to a great school, got good grades, had amazing friends. Everything was perfect' I pause and take in a breath, 'but then it went downhill.'
'It was my ninth birthday, all my friends were at my party my parents both there, but I could tell something was wrong with mum. She wasn't being herself, I could see my dad getting pissed of with her, I was so confused'

'Everyone left, I had a great time, I was walking to my room and I started to hear my parents yelling at each other, my dad was saying stuff like why would you have it on you a your daughters birthday party and you're a monster who doesn't deserve a daughter. I later found out that my mum had drugs in her and was high at my party. A few days later my mum came home with a alcohol bottle in her hand and this white stuff in a plastic bag, I thought it was sugar, boy was I wrong. To this day I thank the lord for my dad getting home early that day, if it wasn't for him my mum would of made me take the drugs. They told me to go up to my room, I did. They started yelling at each other my mum saying, why did I marry you! And just let our daughter have fun. Then I heard a door slam. I didn't see my mum for a week after that.'

'Ari- I mean Faith, I'm so sorry' I just smile and grab his hand

'After about 2 weeks my parents sit me down and I hear the words every 9 year old dreads, we're getting a divorce. I was devastated, I knew things were bad, but I didn't realise they were that bad. My dad never told me why all he said was mum was going off somewhere and I wasn't allowed to see her, I just accepted that was all I was gonna know. As I was getting older I wanted to know more, where did she go? Why did she go? Why can't I know? My dad would just ignore me, I got really mad. When I was 15 I'd had enough, I needed to know what the hell was going on, my dad was police officer so I went through his office at home and found out my mum was selling and buying drugs and she was a raging alcoholic, but then something else shocked me.'

I let a tear fall down my face, Nate uses his thumb to wipe it.

'That day when she had the drugs and my dad came home just in time, he didn't. My mum drugged me. More than once. I was so pissed that he lied to me, and the fact he didn't tell me, it made me mad. So I confronted him and he got mad at me for going through his stuff, so I ran. I ran away. That's when I met Hope. My best friend. The only person who understood me. I told her everything. I then found out she had abusive parents and ran away. That's all she ever told me, she was very secretive, she was very quite and didn't tell me a lot. I didn't see her for a while, which got me upset, she was the only one I had.'

'Then out of the blue she said she wanted me to meet two people. I asked who she said their names were Ethan & Grayson. I agreed and she took me to where they were, I honestly thought she was gonna kidnap me, she took me to the middle of nowhere. We go into the warehouse type thing and there was two people sitting at a table. Twins. I sat down and one shook my hand and said his name was Grayson, he seemed very sweet, the other well, not so sweet, all he did was look me up and down and said I'm Ethan, I'm guessing your Faith he was very intimidating.'

Nate laughed a little.

'They told me they were part of group, a group that stopped bad people, everyone in there had very hard pasts. Ethan and Grayson got severely bullied to the point where nothing made them smile. Hope had abusive parents. Tana had a boyfriend that didn't treat her right. Aaron's bets friend died from a drunk driver. Jack got left behind from everyone, parents, friends, everyone. They asked if I wanted to join the group, I was very shocked, I asked what they did, they said they stop the bad people and make people feel safe, the stop people like Tana's boyfriend, my mum and the bullies. They told me I couldn't tell a soul and if I joined I had to tell my dad it was a study group and not mention anything. It took me a while but I agreed. I was apart of the group.'

'I never knew he had a group. I knew he were secretive, but not this secretive' Nate speaks shocked.

'It wasn't bad until Ethan started to act different, he was becoming a dick, screaming at people, getting more controlling, I'd had enough, but I couldn't leave. I was scared. Then on-one n-ni-night.'

I start crying, a lot
'Faith, you can tell me, please, I want to know'

'We were at a party. My drink got spiked, I wasn't myself, I couldn't see 5cm I front of me, what ever spiked my drink took a massive toll on my body. I th-thought gra-Grayson was Ethan, I-I was mad, really mad. So I got out my knife and let my anger out.'

He looks at me shocked, no emotion not anything.

'That's why I'm here, my name got changed, everything about me got changed, my hair colour is orange not blonde, I'm not a girly girl at all, I had to change everything.'

Still no emotion

'I was crying the other day because Ethan killed my dad. And he's gonna get me next'

'I think you should leave' he says looking down
'Nate, wait' he gets up,
'You really need to leave' he opens the door, I slowly walk out, once I'm out in the corridor I turn around,
'I'm-' the door gets slammed in my face. I sit on the ground and start crying.

~Nate's P.O.V~

She killed my best friend.

Wow, ok so a lot happens in this chapter, it her back story, sorry it's long
Bye Our Happy Little Vegemites 💓

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