Chapter Seventeen

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~Faith's P.O.V~

After a horrible afternoon of Nate death glaring Hope or Abigail whatever her name is, and Hope practically flirting with him, I'd had enough.

I storm into the apartment slamming the door on Nate and hear him groan.

'Faith!, just calm down for a sec'
'Calm down! Are you serious? You never told me she was your ex-girlfriend!'
'You never told me her name was Hope!'
'This lying, two faced bitch!' I scream, pulling at the ends of my hair. Nate grabbed my hands,
'Faith, please calm down'
'How am I meant to calm down? I just found out my 'best friend' was you ex-girlfriend and her name was never Hope'
'Why did you become friends with her?' Nate asks,
'Because of what she was going through'

'What was she going through?' Nate asks confused,
'Wow, such a good boyfriend, didn't even know about her abusive parents' I scoff,
'Ok, hold up. Ho- Abigail never had abusive parents' I give him a 'wtf' look,
'What do you mean?'
'Being Abigail's boyfriend, I was always at her house, her parents are the nicest people I've ever met, they work a lot and I mean a lot, they're business people, Abigail would always say how much she loved them and hated it when they went away'
'What?' I ask, so confused,
'She was very secretive, she was always going out, never back to early morning, always sketchy, that's why we broke up. She never told me anything, she said she had 'plans' to do'
'She was in the group, she couldn't tell anyone.'

'Does Ethan know that her name isn't Hope?' Nate asks,
'I don't know, I feel like he does, but you never know with Ethan.'

'I'm sorry I yelled at you' I say not looking up, he comes over and hugs me
'It's ok, it was taking everything in me not to yell' he whispers and kisses my forehead. He stand there like that for a couple of hours.

~Abigail's P.O.V~

I have plans a lot of them. Of course I'm not working with Ethan, I hate him. I'm working on my own, let's hope Nate doesn't blow my cover about my parents. Gosh I would be in so much trouble, just a little longer to pull this act and then it will be all over. Just a little longer. I gotta make Ethan the bad guy, not the nice guy.

~Faith's P.O.V~

I go to the address that I've known for a long time. I snuck out of the apartment, if Nate knew where I was, he'd kill me.

Knock knock

The door opens and I take in a massive breath.

'Well well, Faith. This is a wonderful surprise.' I see Ethan smirking.

Here we go.

Bye Our Happy Little Vegemites 💓

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