Chapter Seven

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*short chapter

~Nate's P.O.V~

It's been about a month since Aria told me not to see her. She's so confusing and shuts everyone out, I don't know anything about her. I came to New Jersey to see Ethan, my only friend at the moment, he really knows how to help. Ever since Grayson died, I go over to New Jersey to see him and make him happy.

'She's so confusing dude, one minute she's normal then all of a sudden she's running away from everything' I say, taking a sip of my drink.
'Why do you think she's doing this? It seems like you really like her'
'I don't know, but I want to get to know her, like really bad. She even forgot her own name when I met her' Ethan looks at me confused
'What do you mean, forgot her own name?'
'I asked her her name and she was all like, Fait- uh Aira, yeah Aria' Ethan sits up in his chair,
'Do you think maybe she was going to say Faith? But then say Aria'
'It sounded like Faith, yeah' Ethan all of a sudden looked intrigued.

~Ethan's P.O.V~


'Tell me more about her' I say wanting to know if it's the Faith that killed my brother.
'She lived in New Jersey, but then her dad sent her to L.A to live with her mum. That's all I know'
'What does she look like?' This is all adding up to the real Faith.
'Uh, blonde hair, she changes between a girly girl and a tomboy, but manly a girly girl, here, I have a photo, it would be easier'

He shows me a photo of her and him. It's her, the one who killed my brother. The one who's a two faced bitch. She changed her whole look. Witnesses protection program, smart. Her dad obviously helped her.

I'm coming for you, Aria

Ok, so a lot happened in this chapter, the next one is Arias p.o.v, if that made sense?? I hope you enjoyed!
Bye Our Happy Little Vegemites 💓

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