Chapter Eleven

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~Nate's P.O.V~

She stands there with no emotion, she looks like she just saw a ghost.
'Aria, are you ok, what's wrong, you're scaring me'
With no emotion she blankly states 'That's not my name. Don't call me that' a tear falls from her eyes, soon many more start falling like a waterfall,
'What do you mean, that's not your name? Are you ok?' I walk over to her and try to hug her, but she pushes me away and quickly wipes her tears,
'I-I have to go' she quickly says,
'No, what the hell Aria! Or what ever your name is! You just asked me about my friend that died and get so shocked when I said his name, and then you state that your name isn't Aria with no emotion! What the fuck?'
'Let me out Nate!' Tears keep falling from her eyes
'You confuse me so much! I never understood you!'
'There's a reason! Now let me out!' She shouts, I give up, I'm never gonna know the truth. I open the door and let her out, she runs to her apartment.



~Aria's P.O.V~

What have I done? I'm such an idiot, I've lost the one person I never wanted to loose. Mum still isn't back yet, it's been 6 hours, I'm worried, she can't go back to her own ways, I'm scared Ethan maybe got her, you never know with that guy. I sit on my bed, staring into space, thinking about my whole life, how on earth it came to this, my father being murdered by Ethan, me killing my friend, me leaving my best friend, me joining a group that gets revenge on the bad people, guess I was on of the bad people, having an alcoholic and drug addict mother, my parents getting divorced, living my life on the run.

The front door slams and I things being broken. Gosh please tell me it's mum. I walk out of my room and see mum trying not to fall over. She's drunk.
'Oh heyyyyyyy sweetie' she can barely stand up
'Are you drunk?'
'Nah, I'm cool as a cucumber' she says laughing at the end, I roll my eyes
'Mum I have to get you to bed' I say going to grab her hand she accepts and lets me take her to her bed.
'I'm gonna gets some Advil, stay here' I come back with some Advil and water and see she's asleep, I put the water and tablet on the bedside table and pull the covers over her. I kiss her on the forehead,

'I'm going to protect you mum, no matter what'

Bye Our Happy Little Vegemites 💓

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