Chpater nine

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~Ethan's P.O.V~

It's funny how Faith thought that her dad could protect her, the fact that she thinks everything is going smooth, well that's not the case. I'm the one who sent the messages, I found out her new number, her dad isn't as smart as he thinks he is. I found out where Faith lives, and the whole witness protection program. I wouldn't of had half of this information if it wasn't for Nate. He can be so clueless sometimes.

I decided to pay Faith's dad a visit, I haven't seen him in a while, I wonder if he misses me. I walk up to his house, and might I say it's ugly, divorce did not do him well. I knock on the door, take the man about 100 years to get to the door, old age isn't going very well for him.

'Hell-' he stops half way through,
'Why hello Faith's father' I smirk.
'Do you mind if I come in?' I don't wait for his answer, I push past him and walk in.
'Ethan get out, you do realise I work for the police'
'You do realise I don't give to shits, buddy'
'I just want to have a friendly chat about Faith, or should I call her Aria' his face is blank, he's too shocked to do anything
'You do realise that I'm very smart, I find out things, and you really thought putting her in the witness protection program would make her safe? Wow, old age really isn't going well for you is it?'
'Don't you dare hurt her, I will kill you'
'Well that hurts my feelings, I thought we were close. But she did kill my brother, so that makes her a murderer' I say walking around the house

'You know what el-' I turn around to see a gun pointing at me, stupid move
'Take one more move and I'll shot'
'I say you're shaking a little, don't want to miss, and you know if you kill me you and your daughter will both be murderers'
'She is not a murderer!'
'I hate to break it to you, but she killed my brother'

He pulls the trigger, it misses. Obviously
'You know for a police officer, you're pretty shit' he comes running towards me, but I grab him by the throat,
'You know I once killed someone by cutting off their airway in 50 seconds'
'Let's see if I can beat that record' I give him a smile


There he is, lying on the ground, bullet in his head. I had to make sure he was actually dead, so why not put a bullet in his head. I take a picture of him and send it to Faith.

I hope you and your mum are close, she's the only one you got. For now.

So yeah, this was interesting, another chapter is gong up later tonight. I hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to comment and vote ❤️
Bye Our Happy Little Vegemites 💓

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