Chapter Nineteen

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Second to last chapter.

~Abigail's P.O.V~

I was on my way to see Ethan but then I saw Faith in there with him,
'What the fuck' I whisper, then an idea pops in my head, Nate's probably home alone now. Perfect.

~Nate's P.O.V~

I wake up and expect Faith to be besides me, she wasn't. I was guessing she was in the kitchen as I heard noises from there. I check it out to see no ones there,
'I just heard some-' everything goes black.

A few hours later.

~Faith's P.O.V~

I've learnt a lot about Ethan, we actually had a decant conversation, he had to keep reassuring me that he wasn't gonna kill me. I realised that he is just a normal guy who dreaded the loss of his brother, I feel terrible I did kill him. He should at least put me in jail. Or do something.

'You should arrest me.' I say blankly
'Faith, you say weird shit a lot, but this is kinda fucked up, why would I arrest you?'
'I killed Grayson' Ethan then does the un-expected, he put his arm around me and hugged me. I started to cry, what is with me crying,
'Ok, I'm not good at this stuff, Faith, I'm not going to do anything to you, yeah you killed my brother, that was three years ago, of course that doesn't make it right, and I did want to kill you, but I don't Ok? I'm never going to fully trust you or forgive you, but I'm definitely not gonna hurt you.' I sniffle,

'Is the Ethan Dolan, being nice and hugging someone for the first time ever?' He laughs and pushes me
'Oh shut it'

My phone starts ringing,

'Shit, it's Nate'

~Abigail's P.O.V~

I'm waiting for her to answer her phone, finally she picks up, I cut her off before saying anything.

'Hey, gurl! It's your best friend Abigail here! I'm currently at your apartment with your boyfriend who is currently knocked out, but he should come to it in a few'

'Don't you hurt him!' I gag, so protective.

'Oh, I won't, do what I say and everything will be groovy. Come here with Ethan and only Ethan, no weapons or anything' I hang up before I get a response. I see Nate is starting to wake up.

'Just in time'

~Faith's P.O.V~

She hung up on me. I turn to Ethan,

'Feel like going to save my boyfriend?'

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