Chapter Four

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~Faiths P.O.V~

Here we are, at the airport, waiting for me to board my flight, I look over to see my dad writing something, maybe to do with work? We sit in silence like, I can tell there is nervous tension, I'm extremely nervous. Dad had given me my new ID card and new drivers license, I'm gonna have to get used to my new name. Aria Lockwood. It's gonna take a while to get used to, and my new look. I still get scared when I look in the mirror.

Dad handed me list piece of paper, I was confused with what it was,
'Read it' he said looking at me
'Ok' I said hesitantly
It was a list of things that I need to be carful of when I move to L.A,
- don't tell anyone your backstory
- don't mention any friends
- don't mention your old group
- don't give out any information
- always have keep an eye out
- be carful on who you meet
I laughed at the last one, that's dad being dad,
- don't fall in love.

My flight gets called over the loud speakers, my dad gets up with me,
'This is probably the last time I will see you, Faith, sorry my bad, Aria'
'Dad, you don't have to call me Aria'
'You can never take any chances'
'What do you mean, this is the last time I'll see you, you can face time me, call me or text me' I say, sounding confused
'Faith, Ethan is a very smart man, he will track my footsteps, he'll figure something out of I'm going to L.A all the time, and I had to change your number and phone details, now go get on your flight, I love you, so much my darling daughter' dad says kissing my forehead, I hug him so tight, I don't think he could breathe,
'I love you dad, bye' I say walking to my gate.

After the flight

As I'm walking out of my gate, I'm trying to find my mum, it's a little hard when you don't really remember what she looks like, as I keep walking I see a person who look somewhat familiar, that can't be her, she's changed so much,
'Mum?' The person faces me, she gasps
'Faith?!, omg, my beautiful daughter!' She embraces me into a hug. I hug back hesitantly, she needs to make me believe that she's changed.
'Umm, my names Aria' I say awkwardly, she slaps her hand on her head,
'Oh, god, I'm so sorry, your father told me, I guess I forgot, hello, Aria'
'Hey, you've changed, like a lot' I say looking her up and down
'Have I?' She starts posing, people giving her really weird stares, I start laughing,
'Ok, mum, can we go home, I'm kinda tired, it was a long flight'
'Of course we can, I'm really glad you're here with me, Aira' I just smile I would rather be living my life to the fullest, not living my life on the run.

Skip car ride

'Umm, so I live in a apartment complex, the police still don't fully trust me, even though I'm 100% clean with drugs'
'It's fine, I don't mind' I start to get my bags out of the back,
'Please believe me, I have changed, for the better, and I'm sorry about the past, I don't know what I was thinking'
'I believe you, but if your aren't, I'm going to help, I mean I am going to be living with you for the rest of my life, practically' I let out a small laugh at the end, she just smiles and goes back to taking my bags out.
'I'll go put these up in my apartment, it's level 4, room 69a' she says and disappears

As I'm getting everything else out, this good looking guy comes around the corner, beautiful blue eyes, fluffy hair, jawline like it was sculpted from a god, I don't even realise he was coming my way,
'Hey, I've never really seen you before, are you new to the apartment?' Even his voice was sexy,
'Uh, yeah, I just moved here from New Jersey' I say a bit to fast
'Cool, what's your name?'
'Fait- uh Aira, yeah Aria' good job idiot, you probably just made him really sketched out
'Right, well I'm Nate, it's nice to meet you'
'You too'
'Nate! Hello, I haven't seen you in ages!' My mum randomly appears,
'Hey Julie'
'Ive seen you've meet my daughter'
'She's your daughter?' He ask really shocked,
'Yep' I say standing their awkwardly,
'I could see some resemblance' he says looking back and forth between us, his phones starts ringing,
'Sorry, I have to take this, I'll talk to you guys later, it was nice to meet you, Aria'

'He's great boyfriend material' mum says out of the blue
'Mum!' I just laugh at her
'I'm just saying' she says walking away.

I mean he's pretty cute.

Bye Our Happy Little Vegemites 💓

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