Chapter Three

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~Faith's P.O.V~

I'm standing outside of my dads house, am I really about to do this? I have to, I need to be safe. How am I going to tell dad about Ethan approaching me, he will what to kill him. Where am I going to go. So much is going through my mind at the moment, for once I wish I had a normal life, but life went downhill ever since mum and dad got a divorce.

I finally knock n the door, after about a minute dad finally opens he door,
'Faith!' My dad says embracing me into a hug,
'Hey dad' I say returning the hug
'What brings you here, is everything ok?'
'If I was to say if I could be in witness protection, what would be your reaction?'
'Is it Ethan, why did he do, I'll kill him' dad says with his face going red,
'He did nothing, but he found me, and threatened me, I want, wait no, I need to be a different person dad, I can't be myself knowing that there is someone out there who wants to hurt me' I explain.  My dad takes a big breath,
'Here's what we are going to do'

*a few hours later

When we get home, I go straight to the mirror,
'Oh... my' I'm speechless, my hair is blonde, I'm wearing completely different outfit that I would of never thought that I'd wear in my life. If you've noticed I'm not a girly girl, but now, I honestly don't know, I look completely different. Was all of this a mistake? It's not the real me, but I have to, I need to be safe.
'Faith! Come here' I hear my dad yell, shutting me out of my thoughts. As I approach dad I see he's booking flights to... L.A?
'You're going to go live with your mother, I've called her, she's fine with it, she'll meet you at the airport and take you to her apartment'
'Wait hold up. I'm living with mum? I haven't seen her since I was 9, I'm 17 now, don't you think it's going to be weird? And how do I know if it's really her?' I say trying to avoid living with her.

You see, she was a drug addict and went completely crazy, that's why her and dad got a divorce, she treated me like shit. I don't remember a lot of her but I remember her coming home with bags of money and this white powder, I thought it was sugar, boy was I wrong. She tried to drug me. She ended up going to prison then rehab, I don't know if she still has the addiction, but that's the reason I joined the group. I wanted to stop people like her.

'Faith, darling, she looks exactly like you, and no, if you get to know her it won't be weird' my dad says in a clam voice
'Are we forgetting the fact that she tried to drug me and had an addiction?!' I can see dad is starting to get frustrated,
'Faith! This is your chance to having a normal life, take it, your mother has changed, don't judge her, she has been clean for the past 3 years, don't make this difficult' he says in a stern voice
'My life will never be normal dad! Do you see what I look like! I'm a completely different person because I'm running from someone! I'm gonna spend my whole life running from people!' I yell sitting down in the chair
'This was your choice Faith! Or should I call you Aria'
'What do you mean, Aria?' I say confused out of my life,
'The witness protection program needed to change your name, from now on your name is Aria Lockwood'
'Crap, I'm late for work, we will talk about this later' dad says slamming the door.

Is this really my life? I don't even know who I am.

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while, family issues suck, but I hope you like this chapter.
Bye Our Happy Little Vegemites - 💓

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