Chapter Twenty

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Last chapter. Wow, I'm so sorry I've been gone for fricken ages. But I'm back!

~Ethan's P.O.V~

We're in the car trying to figure out a plan on what to do, as Abigail told us no weapons we have to think,

'So what's the plan?' I ask out of curiosity
'I don't know Ethan! I'm trying to think'
'Jeez, moody much' I mumble under my breath,
'I'm not moody, I'm just worried for my boyfriend' she says sighing,
'It's gonna be ok, he'll be fine'

At the apartment.

~Faith's P.O.V~

We walk up to my door as I try to open it I realise it's locked,
'What the hell?' I whisper,
'Please tell me you know how to open a door' Ethan says, I glare at him,
'Of course I do, it's locked'
'Then knock' he's says in a duh tone.

I knock, she unlocks the door and gives us that stupid smile of hers,

'Omg! Ethan! Faith! So nice to see y'all!' I mentally gag. I push past her and see Nate sitting on a chair tied up, I run over to him.

'Oh god, are you ok, did she hurt you' I say frantically,
'Faith I'm fine, I promise, where did you go?'
'I had t-' I get cut off,
'Ok now that we are here, we should get started' Abigail says clapping her hands
'Get started with what?' Ethan asks
'We will have questions after, everyone sit on the couch, we'll expect for you Nate' Nate just rolls his eyes.

Ethan and I sit on down on the couch, I keep seeing Ethan look over his shoulder, but I don't think anything of it.

~Ethan's P.O.V~

As we go to sit on the couch I see the old person in a bedroom with a phone, I'm guessing she's Faith's Mum but then again I don't know, she looks at me and then quickly looks away. Weird.

We're sitting on the couch waiting to hear what crazy stuff Abigail has to say, I keep looking over my shoulder to see this women on the phone, she shows me the phone screen, I read it. 911. She's calling the police, gosh this women is smart.

'Ethan!' I hear Abigail yell my name, I quickly look back at her, Faith and Nate look at me confused. I just slightly nod at them. Abigail starts walking around the living room I look back at Faith's Mum, I point my head to the lamp on the nightstand, she gives me a confused look, I quickly point my head to the lamp again, she nods at me. I turn my head back around and I see Faith staring at me,
'You have that look in your eyes' she barely whispers
'What look?' I question
'That you're up to something' I just smirk and nod.

'What are you guys talking about?' Abigail comes up to us,
'How I'd rather be at a bar' I reply, Abigail looks at me weirdly.

~Abigail's P.O.V~

'Ok!' 'Lets talk'
'About what?' Nate asks
'Well if you'd be quite I'll tell you'
'Jeez, I was just asking' he responds.

'Let's tell my favourite story' I notice Ethan isn't looking at me,
'It's the story about how Grayson died' I smirk as Ethan's head shot up.
'Don't you dare' he says through gritted teeth,
'Abigail don't' Nate joins in. Faith wasn't responding, she was only looking down,
'Faith, care to speak?'
'Leave her alone' Nate says, I roll my eyes,
'Oh right, you killed him, well this is awkward' 'but I'll tell the story anyway, it's quite interesting'

'Ok, so lets go back. Faith you were a bit of a newbie to the group, I was your friend, well that's what you thought. Ethan hated you, but Grayson, he liked you, kinda even loved you' she looks up at me, Nate has his jaw clenched.

'He actually wanted to tell you that he liked you but he came to me for advice first, and of course I wasn't gonna let that happen, because you get fucking everything Faith, it wasn't fair to let you have the guy as well. So I told him how much of a bitch you are, how you only care about yourself, but Grayson being Grayson didn't agree with me, so he wanted to talk to you himself, but I just had to do a little something to make sure that he wouldn't love you anymore, but I didn't actually think you'd kill him'

'What did you do?' Faith says confused,

'Awe, poor little Faith still doesn't get it, I drugged you. I gave you the drink, I put the drugs in your drink! It was me, and as I heard you got mad and well stabbed him' I said the last part in Ethan's ear, 'So now, Grayson is dead. Because of you'

'I made Ethan hate you, I made Ethan want to kill you' Faith quickly looks at Ethan, he just looks down.


'Um, could I talk to you for a quick, it's about Grayson.' He quickly looks up and points to the seat in front of him.
'What about him? He's dead, unless you have a lead, piss off' he sounds so mad.
'I might.' He raises an eyebrow. 'Faith magically disappeared a day after Grayson's death, she took everything, without telling anyone. She came home from the party so confused and not to mention she hid away her knife. No one can trace her, it's like she's disappeared of the face of the earth. Doesn't that seem sketchy?'
'It couldn't of been Faith, she was one of us' he says shaking his head.
'Think about it, she hated this place with a passion and now she's gone, I'd hate her if I was you, and I'd want to hurt her. She probably did kill your brother' is day walking out and closing the door.

End of flashback

Faith sits there in disbelief,
'You were meant to be my friend' she whispered.
'I don't do friendships'
'Why'd you lie to me?' Nate buts in
'You lied to me about your name, why?'
'Because I didn't want you to know the real me, duh'

I stand up straight, I hear police sirens, I quickly run out to peak out the curtain, police cars.
'I told you to only bring yourselves! Why the hell did you call the police!' Nate and Faith sit there confused, Ethan has a smirk on his face,
'You little shit, this was all you wasn't it?' He just puts his hands up in defence. I got to make a run for it until some old lady steps out in front of me.
'Better luck escaping next time' she hits a lamp over my head.

~Ethan's P.O.V~

Faith and I are talking whilst the police are arresting Abigail and untying Nate from the ropes on the chair. She smiled at me,
'Hey uh, can I tell you something?'
'Of course' she smiles,

'You'll never have to be on the run again.'

So that's the end of run. Thank you all for sticking along with me and reading this book! I know, I suck at updating, but this is my favourite book, and I really hope all of you guys liked it! J and I have more books coming so keep a look out ;)
I hope you liked the book Our Happy Little Vegemites 💓
- A xxx

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