Chapter Two

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Short chapter*

~Faiths P.O.V~
'Miss, excuse me, miss' I hear a voice snapping me out of my thoughts,
'That will be $12.50' he tells me, I hand him my money and take the alcohol bottle from him. I always wondered what happened to that group after I left, did anyone notice I was gone, what am I thinking, of course they would have. I wonder if Ethan found out it was me, I mean he hasn't come to get me yet, so I take that as a no. Hope I never lost hope in her (see what I did there, I'll go home) I wonder if she remembers me? I mean we were best friends for a long ass time, I wonder how she's going.

Is this really what my life has come to? I'm drinking alcohol, walking around the bad part of town trying to remember where my house is. I take another gulp of my bottle until I hear something behind me, I shake it off and walk down the alleyway, that's when I freeze, I hear it, the familiar voice. Shit.
'So, this is where you disappeared to' I turn around to see Ethan standing right in front of me,
'Ethan' I breathe out
'Ho-how di-did you find me' I say trying to sound brave but it comes out the complete opposite
'I have my ways' 'I found it strange when I came back to see you weren't with the group, I asked Hope, she seemed nervous to tell me she didn't know where you were. I know how much you hate me, but I never imagined you leaving, especially without cleaning up your mess' he throws me a knife, that has dry blood stains, he found out.
'Ethan, lo-'
'You killed him, what's in the bottle' he completely changes the subject, I show him and give it to him,
'Straight vodka, never thought you'd drink something like that'
'Faith, you better run, when you think I'm not watching, I am. I know your every move, where you are at what time, what day. Whenever you think you're safe, think again, because you're not.' By this point he backed me up against the wall with his hand on my neck, I was terrified. I nod, I don't know what to do. He let's go of my neck, I try to breathe again.
'Good luck, Faith' he starts to walk away.

What the hell am I meant to do now? I'm not safe here, I need to leave, again. My only plan is to go to dad, and become someone else.

Why am I always on the run?

Sorry, this is a short chapter, the next one is going to be good 😊
Bye Our Happy Little Vegemites - A 💓

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