Chapter 6

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~Nate's P.O.V~

Aria has been trying to avoid me ever since the Starbucks incident, I'm honestly so confused, did I say something? Did she see something? In the time that I met her, I know nothing about her, she's so secretive, and I might add she's gorgeous. I really want to make things up with her.

~Aria's P.O.V~

I feel bad for ignoring Nate, but what else can I do, I acted like an idiot In front of him. I decided I wanted to talk to him, make everything normal agin, normal, now that's a word that is the complete opposite of my life. I asked Nate to meet me at the Starbucks where I acted like a complete idiot.

At Starbucks

I see Nate walking in, fresh as hell. Wtf Aria, shut up.
'Hey Nate, thanks for meeting up with me'
'Yeah no problem, uh, how are you?'
'I'm good I guess, you?'
'I've had better days'
'Sorry!' We both say at the same time,
'Why are you sorry?' Nate says
'Why are you sorry, you did nothing wrong' I speak stating the obvious
'Well I don't know, as soon as I mentioned New Jersey, you freaked out and left, I thought I might of said the wrong thing'
'Nate, no, it wasn't you, it was me, you were just asking a question, and I overreacted' I say smiling, he smiled back at me, with that beautiful smile of his.

'Why did you overreact? I mean I don't mean to be rude, but I've known you for a little over 5 months and I know nothing about you. Why is that?' His face had a look of sadness on it.
'I'm just not good with opening up to people' I say trying to grab his hand, but he quickly pulls away.
'Ok, I understand that, but you can trust me, Aria, I feel like your always hiding in the shadows! All I know about you is that your name is Aria Lockwood and that you moved to L.A to live with your mum. Not to mention when I first met you, you didn't even know your own name!'
'I don't need to tell you everything about me, Nate. And how would you know that I'm hiding in the shadows, you don't know me!
'Exactly, I don't know anything about you, for all I know you could be a murderer!'

Murderer. Uh, I guess I've never realised what I am. The word has never processed in my brain.

'Let me know you, Aria, please'
'I need to go' I quickly get my things and try and walk out, but Nate grabs my hand
'Just forget about me, Nate, you don't want to know me' I get out of his grip and run to my car.

~Nate's P.O.V~

I can't forget about her.

So I hope you guys liked this chapter! Sorry if it made no sense, I hope your liking the book so far.
Bye Our Happy Little Vegemites 💓 - A

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