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Selena's P.OV.

When I woke up the first thing I saw was Blake's face in front of me. He sat next to my bed on his primitive bed and smiled at me. Did he watch me sleeping?! I was too tired to get nervous right now...

"How did you sleep?"

I remembered the night and answered positively surprised about myself, "Very good! I didn't have nightmares when you were there."

His smile grew and two dimples appeared on his cheeks.

I had expected him leaving in the early morning so that nobody else would see him sleeping in my room. But obviously he stayed, what I found very nice of him.

"Thank you for staying. Somehow you keep my nightmares away..." I said reflexively. I had no clue how that was possible.

"If this is the way how I can keep your screams away so that I'm able to sleep again, you're welcome." He said and winked at me.

I wasn't sure if he meant this reason seriously but as long as he stayed I didn't care about his reasons. Most priority had my psychological state and I was in a good one when Blake was there.

"Will you give me a second lesson in surfing today? I can't wait to surf properly!" Blake asked.

I considered my plans for today and decided to agree. The last lesson hadn't been that bad. I had to admit that I even had kind of enjoyed it. Plus being around Blake would get me used to the presence of boys what would help me to relax in my own home again. But I felt that I already was less nervous when I was with the boys. They were very nice though.

All of the sudden I realized that I was only in my slip and t-shirt without a bra underneath it and got uncomfortable again. I tried to cover myself with my blanket and asked Blake shyly, "Would you mind going outside my room? I need to get changed..."

"Why don't you change your clothes with me in the room?" He said with a blink in his eyes. Blake really knew how to ruin the moment.

I felt my cheeks blushing again and didn't know what to answer because I wanted to counter in a cool way but unfortunately nothing came to my mind.

Instead of already being satisfied with my reaction and leaving me alone, Blake continued and increased his flirt. "Or should I rather help you with it?" He grinned.

This time I simply said, "Oh shut up Blake!", even if it sounded a bit self-conscious. Nevertheless I was proud of it.

Blake laughed and stood up to leave the room.

When he was gone I remembered his sentences and somehow had to laugh about them. Actually the flirts had been ridiculous when you consider them afterwards. Every flirt of Blake had been ridiculous when I considered them again. But nevertheless they had made me blush. I had to change that. I noted in my thoughts that I would have to ask Eva about some cool answers in such a situation.

But first I had to get dressed.

When I was done I went downstairs. The band members and my brother already sat at the table for breakfast and I joined them.

"Good morning!" I cheered happily, letting myself fall onto a chair between Adam and Reece.

"Good morning!" They cheered back in sync.

"Today you look much better!" George said and I could see how relieved Adam was.

"Thank you! Adam, this is how a girl wants to get greeted in the morning. You should take a leaf out of George's book." I said jokingly.

Adam immediately defended himself. "That was just the truth."

After a couple moments Adam asked about our plans for today since it was Sunday and the boys were free.

"I'll give Blake the next lesson for surfing. By the way, is it okay that he takes your surfboard?"

Adam seemed bit surprised by these news and replied perplexed, "Yeah, sure, why not?"

"Good, thanks." Blake smiled at him.

"Can we borrow it as well when Blake is done?" Reece asked my brother.

"Yes, for sure!" My brother still seemed confused that I was willing to give the boys lessons in surfing. Well, at first I hadn't been willing to do that but now I had seen that it wasn't that bad at all.

When we had finished breakfast we stood up to clean our dishes and Blake and I went in our rooms to get changed for the beach.

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