Through the dark III

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When we arrived at the streets again where the lights blinded us Selena let go of me. What a pity. But I understood her.

As soon as we arrived at the house Selena went upstairs without a word and closed the door of the bathroom, of course without locking it. I sighed and all I wanted was to follow her and be there for her. Or go to bed if she minded my presence. But not staying in the living room together with the others.

Too late. Reece started already.

"What's her problem?" He burst out uncomprehendingly.

I didn't answer. He wouldn't understand anyway, it was too complicated and none of his business. Besides, I was too angry.

"I don't know." George agreed with him. I rolled my eyes when they didn't see it.

"Doesn't she overreact?!" Reece said.

"She does." George agreed again.

"She's such a scaredy-cat." Reece continued but for me it was too much now.

"Can't you care about yourself?!" I spitted out. The boys looked confused at me.

"Why did you even do that? She was really afraid!" I said, looking at Reece. "And you knew that!" I added, staring at Adam for a while. Adam couldn't stand my gaze and looked at the ground.

"Sorry, but I didn't know she would be that afraid..." Reece said and for the first time I could hear that he regretted what he had done today.

I ignored him and continued staring at Adam.

"But you knew exactly." I said. Finally Adam looked up and I looked at his scar on his neck, then back to his eyes. He softly touched his scar where I had just looked at, maybe he didn't even touch it but held his fingers above it. Now he knew that I knew about them.

His eyes were very regretful and sad. Adam stood up, mumbled something like "Sorry, I'm..." and walked out of the room. I could hear him walking upstairs and closing his door.

Good. At least he wouldn't disturb Selena when she finished for bed. I assumed she needed time for herself right now.

"They are strange, aren't they?" George pointed out.

I grunted, said "Care about your own business." and wanted to go as well.

"Stop." Reece held me back. "You know something. Tell us! What is it with them?"

I stared at his eyes for a while without moving. Like a lion which stared at his enemy and tried to figure him out.

Then I finally started. "Their past is so much darker than we expected. If they want to tell, they will. Until then, please care about your own business." I repeated once again, this time a bit calmer. I knew how curious they were. I had been too. But now, as I understood, I wished that at least George and Reece would shut up and give them their time and distance they deserve.

I looked at George to make sure that he understood as well and turned around to finally leave.

Selena was already out of the bathroom as I knocked on the door of the bathroom. I had a quick shower, brushed my teeth and went to Selena's room. I didn't keep it as a secret anymore. Today I didn't care about what the others thought.

Again I knocked silently on Selena's door and came in. She lay already in her bed, covered with her blanket but her head was on her hand. She seemed like she had waited for me since her small light was still turned on.

I closed the door and smiled. I looked at my temporary bed in which I had already slept a couple more nights than you usually sleep in a temporary bed.

Nikes - A Blake Richardson (New Hope Club) FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now