Meeting in the night

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The next time when I woke up and looked at my alarm clock, it was a quarter past three am.
I still breathed heavily and dried my sweaty face. There we go again. The peaceful nights were over.

Suddenly I noticed some quite noises. What was it? It sounded a bit like ... a guitar? I listened again. Yes, it was definitely a guitar. But who was crazy enough to play the guitar at 3 in the morning?
Then it came back in my mind again. Of course, a band lived here now.

I sighed and stood up, completely sure that I wouldn't get so much sleep anyway anymore. But before I left my room I changed my wet t-shirt. I didn't want them to ask questions.

When I entered their room they looked up surprised first. But then their expressions turned to guilt. "Oh sorry, did we wake you up?" George asked and Reece said shocked "You look horrible! Did something happen?!"

I waved aside and said. "No no, I just couldn't sleep. But why are you awake? ... And why the hell are you playing the guitar that early in the morning?!"

"Reece dreamed of a melody." Blake answered. "He didn't want to forget it so we just tried it."

I raised an eyebrow. Okay they definitely were crazy.

"Wanna hear it?" Blake asked and slipped aside to make some place for me next to him on his bed. I hesitated but then stepped slowly through the room and sat down next to him, joining their little circle. They smiled at me, then looked each other into the eyes and gave each other somehow a silent signal before they began to play in sync.

I had to admit that it sounded very good! They seemed to have talent indeed. I smiled shyly. The melody consisted of only a few notes and didn't took very long. When they finished I applauded. "This sounds good!" I said delighted and their faces lightened up.

"Yeah it does. But we are not sure about this part." George said and played some notes, waited and played the same part in a little different version. "What do you mean, Selena?" Reece asked.

I was surprised that they asked for my opinion and wasn't prepared for it because I hadn't expected that. "Oh uhm..." I stuttered. "I don't know, I mean I'm no expert..."

"Don't think too much about it. What sounds better?" Blake asked friendly.

"I guess ... The first version. But I think it depends on the text you'll sing in that part."

"Yes, that might be true." Reece said and the others nodded in agreement. Then they fell into silence.

"So..." I said to eject the raising awkwardness. "Which songs are you playing so far?"

Their faces lightened up again and Blake said that they just finished their first own song called 'Perfume'. "Do you want to hear it?" He said excited. The others looked very excited too and I could see how proud they were. "Yes of course!" I said excited as well.

They gave each other the same inconsiderable sign which I somehow couldn't see and began in sync.
When they played the song I could see their passion for their music. It was just magic. The song was very good, I had to admit. Not only the music, but also the text was pretty cute! Perfume was also a very catchy song and it was in my head the whole day.

I applauded again when they finished. Also I told them how good it sounded, what made them smirk. They looked kind of cute, like little kids who show their parents their first drawings.

George yawned and Reece' eyes opened heavily as well. "Maybe we should sleep again." Reece pointed out and George agreed with him. Seemed like it was time for me to go again. I wanted to stand up but Blake took my wrist and held me back. There was it again. This flirty grin on his face. "My bed is very comfortable. Don't you want to sleep here?"

The others giggled but I could only blush and stumbled backwards. "No, thanks but I ..." I stuttered and turned around, leaving the room. I almost ran back to my room and closed the door. I face palmed myself and blamed myself for ruining the moment even though it had actually been Blake who had ruined the moment with his stupid flirt.

Sometimes I hated myself for not staying cool in such moments. I just couldn't deal with them.

There was no thought of sleep now. I only waited in my bed until sunrise and ruminated.

Nikes - A Blake Richardson (New Hope Club) FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now