Second part of the bridge

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"Good." Adam replied only half satisfied. Then he stood up and went into the house. "Put out the fire when you leave." He told us before he finally left.

As soon as I didn't hear Adam anymore I sighed and covered my face in my hands just like he had done it a few seconds ago.

Blake still didn't talk but only stroked my back.

"We'll find a solution." He said then.

I nodded tiredly and sat back. I looked up at the sky and saw a few stars. Blake followed my gaze and we watched the stars for a couple minutes. His arm was still around my body, apparently forgotten to take back again.

"I finished the bridge of 'Perfume'", Blake said all of the sudden.

"You have?" I said curiously.

"Yes, you'd like to hear it?"

"Of course I do!" I answered excited. What a question!

Blake took his guitar which was still next to him, checked if it was still tuned and when he was satisfied he cleared his throat and started to play the chords.

He started to sing the chorus and then the first and fast part of the bride which the boys had composed earlier. Then he got slow again and came to the new part.

"And my room
All I smell is perfume
And it's like I'm lying here next to you
Trying to figure it out
What you're all about
And I don't want to lose"

Blake finished.

I smiled and gave him a little applause.

"That's beautiful!" I said acknowledging. It's actually amazing! I thought.

"Thank you." Blake said grinning and looked shyly at the ground.

After an awkward moment I was suddenly very sleepy and I needed to pay attention that I didn't put my heavy head on Blake's shoulder. Before that could happen I stood up and looked for our garden hose to put out the fire.

Blake stood up as well and together we walked back into the house. He let me into the bathroom at first and waited outside. When I was done he walked in and I went into my room and laid down into my bed, leaving some space for Blake next to me.

Then Blake came in, looked at me and since I didn't say anything he laid down next to me in my bed again. He turned towards me and smiled at me. I looked back. Unlike in the morning I could watch his beautiful smile directly and I really liked it. I must have stared way too long at his smile because it grew even more.

I giggled and said "What?"

Blake shook his head and whispered, "Nothing."

Then he turned away and tried to sleep. I turned away as well and closed my eyes with a smile.

Before I fell asleep I thought about my luck that I had met Blake who was able to help me at least at night. I appreciated every single night with him where I had no nightmares.

Even though I didn't believe that there was something like a god I spoke a silent prayer to whoever who had sent Blake to me.

Thank you. I whispered.

Author's note:

Hey! I am so, so sorry again that I didn't upload for so long! And this chapter is maybe the shortest I've written in this story. I promised to upload as soon as I can ... well, this is as soon as I can. Honestly, school is killing me, plus there is suddenly a very inscrutable boy in my life and I can't stop thinking about him and the situation which makes me very lacking in concentration, not to mention that I could figure out how Nikes should go on...
I hope you understand me.

Thanks for reading anyway, I love you all ❤

So guys, I'm interested. Where are you all from? 😊

Lots of love

Nikes - A Blake Richardson (New Hope Club) FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now